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    Tombstone – (Chapter: The Diary [Chapter 3])

    I start to scream, no one is home so who cares right? I kiss her and scream her name, knowing she loves when I do that, and with one final thrust she makes me climax. I just lay there tired, while she still caresses both my breast one with her hand and the other with her mouth.

    She kisses my jaw line and then my lips. She then gets up and heads out of my room. I wonder where she is going to go, in bra and panties. I put a towel on and follow her, my knees still weak making it hard to walk, and she goes into the bathroom, she closes the door behind her but not locking it. I hear the shower start, she probably doesn’t expect me to pay her back for what she just did, so she’s taking a cold shower to relieve it. But no I owe her big time so I walk I and lock the door behind me.

    I take off the towel and go in the shower and she looks at me surprised. I crash my lips into hers and immediately stick two fingers into her wetness. She scream my name, and god I just get all hot again. I can feel it between my legs, just her voice turns me on.

    I put her nipple in my mouth while I still have fingers inside of her. I trace kisses all along her body on the way up to my destination, those delicious lips. I bite her lip, pulling it with me. She loves when I do that, and I can still tell it has the same affect on her. She surprises me as she inserts two fingers into me as well.

    I want to tell her this is all about her right now, I already had my turn, but she just wont hear it, probably because I’m moaning so much I probably haven’t even said it. I pick her up and she wraps her legs around me as I use her own weight against her by pushing three fingers into her. I capture her lips just as she screams.

    And just like that she reaches her point, and she looks just so tired.

    Spence, I love you” It surprises me sort of, but not because I don’t feel the same way just because I haven’t heard it in a while.

    I love you to Ash” I respond, and put the towel I had on around her naked body, I slap her butt indicating to get out of the bathroom and head to my room, she lets out a small scream, as I do it again but this time squeezing her but on the way out.

    Then I hear the front door open and close as I hear my dad’s voice.

    Honey, we’re home” I then run to my room and pull Ashley in and lock the door.

    Ok dad, I’m just in my room, I’m going to bed now”

    Okay Honey, I’ll make you breakfast tomorrow” I just smile and respond

    Thanks dad, and goodnight mom”

    Goodnight Spence” I look over to my bed to see Ashley just laying there in a towel, I pull her up, remove the covers, take off her towel, lay her back down and cover her with the blanket. I go in with her, seeing as I’m already naked and wet I might add, and we just lay there, I turn my back to her, and she just wraps her arm around me.

    I meant it you know” I smile knowing what she is talking about.

    Me too”

    So where does this leave us?” She asks and I just respond simply

    “Sorry Clay, but I have to go, I have to meet up with her at 5, and I’m already running late, I promise to come day after tomorrow, and I’ll come with her and finish up our little catching up, and I won’t forget where we left off see I’m writing it in the diary.”

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