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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 10)


    ‘Ohh yum.’ I said taking a seat next to them and grabbing a burger for myself.’


    ‘Dad’s specialty.’ Glen took a bite of his hamburger as he reached for his drink.


    ‘I’m so glad our dad can cook. Mom’s cooking was ehh.’ I said. Dad looked down and silently ate his burger.


    ‘yeah I know or else we would starve.’ Glen said laughing.


    ‘Mom’s cooking isn’t that bad!’ Clay said in defense and patted my dad on the back.


    ‘No it’s okay clay. She was a bad cook.’ He smiled lightening up the mood.



    The day passed quickly as 7 o’clock came a long. I sat impatiently on the couch waiting for Ashley to come. We were only going to dinner so I wanted to be semi-formal with a skirt and a nice top. I check my watch ‘7:15’ she’s only 15 minutes late. ‘It’s okay Spencer.’ I whispered to myself. I decided to watch TV while I waited. I flipped through the channels when Gilmore Girls came on. I happily got comfortable on the couch and turned up the volume. I got to watch at least 5 minutes of the show when I heard the doorbell. I got up and walked over to the door and opened it.


    ‘Hi!…Ash?’ She walked in with her head down and arms crossed.


    ‘Spencer..’ She cried as she walked over to the couch and sat down slowly.


    ‘Ashley…Ashley what’s wrong.’ I cooed as I rubbed her back and pulling her close to be.


    ‘I-I don’t know.’ She put her head on my shoulder as she cried. I could feel her tears soaking up my shirt but it didn’t bother me.


    ‘What happened…’


    ‘My mom…she kicked me out.’ She said softly.


    ‘Oh, Ashley.’ I pulled her in a hug as I combed her hair. ‘It’s going to be all right. It’s all gonna be all right.’


    ‘No, it’s not.’


    ‘Shhh..shh…don’t talk it’s okay.’


    ‘What am I supposed to do Spencer?’


    ‘I don’t know…you can stay here for a bit until we find somewhere you can live.’


    ‘Thank you..’ she said as she hugged me harder.


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    1. Yeah why did her mom kick her out? I don’t trust Kim at all and I don’t think Spencer should. I have a bad feeling about her leaving things on a bad note with Shannon, too. Spencer has pissed off one too many people that know Ashley. I don’t think Ashley knows now, but I think she’s going to find out the wrong way. Way to go Spencer! Some player you are! As least she’s being supportive of Ashley, though. PMS

    2. Yeah why did her mom kick her out? I don’t trust Kim at all and I don’t think Spencer should. I have a bad feeling about her leaving things on a bad note with Shannon, too. Spencer has pissed off one too many people that know Ashley. I don’t think Ashley knows now, but I think she’s going to find out the wrong way. Way to go Spencer! Some player you are! As least she’s being supportive of Ashley, though. PMS

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