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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 10)

    I unwrapped my arms around her and looked into her eyes. ‘At least you get to stay with me.’ I said lightening up the mood. A small smile appeared on her face as I gently pushed away covering her face.


    ‘I love you Ashley.’ I smiled and kissed her on the lips.


    ‘I love you too Spencer.’


    ‘Come on. Your mascara is smearing.’


    ‘Sorry about tonight. I really wanted to go out.’


    ‘It’s okay. All I want is to be with you and that’s the best it can get.’ I replied and blushed. I led her to the bathroom where she cleaned up her face removing her mascara.


    ‘Your so beautiful. You don’t need make-up.’ I said.


    ‘Thank you. Thank you for everything.’


    ‘Hey, no worries okay. I’m always here for you.’


    ‘You’re the best.’ She grabbed my hand and led me back into the living room and sat down on the couch.


    ‘What are you watching?’ She said as she scouted over closer to me.


    I put my arm around her and smiled. ‘Gilmore Girls.’


    She sighed in a bored way. ‘Seriously Spencer.’




    ‘I mean Alexis Bledel is hot and all but I don’t like Gilmore Girls.’


    ‘You don’t like Gilmore Girls.’ I gasped and grabbed the pillow next to me and smacked her in the head.


    ‘Hey!’ She yelled and grabbed the pillow and hit me.



    ‘What’s going on down there?’ My dad called out from upstairs.


    ‘Nothing dad. Me and Ashley are just going to hang out here.’




    ‘And dad!’




    ‘Can Ashley stay here for a couple days?’


    ‘Sure Spencer.’


    ‘Thanks Dad.’ I yelled.


    ‘Welcome. Hi Ashley! If you’re down there.’


    ‘Hi Mr.C.’ Ashley responded.


    ‘I’m going to be in my room if you need me.’


    I smiled and continued watching TV.


    ‘I like how you guys communicate by yelling.’ Ashley laughed.


    ‘Shut up.’ I replied and hit her with the pillow.


    ‘Your gonna pay!’ She smiled and began to tickle me. ‘Say mercy. Say mercy.’


    ‘No, no.’ I said moving my arms which have been pinned down by Ashley.’


    She looked at me and leaned down to kiss me. The kiss started off small as it grew intense when Ashley’s tongue begged to enter. I gladly let her in as we rolled on the couch. She stopped and closed her eyes.


    ‘What?’ I said in confusion.


    ‘Hi Spencer.’


    I let out a small laugh. ‘Hi Ashley.’


    ‘I love you.’


    ‘I love you too.’ I responded and cupped her cheek bringing her into another kiss.

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    1. Yeah why did her mom kick her out? I don’t trust Kim at all and I don’t think Spencer should. I have a bad feeling about her leaving things on a bad note with Shannon, too. Spencer has pissed off one too many people that know Ashley. I don’t think Ashley knows now, but I think she’s going to find out the wrong way. Way to go Spencer! Some player you are! As least she’s being supportive of Ashley, though. PMS

    2. Yeah why did her mom kick her out? I don’t trust Kim at all and I don’t think Spencer should. I have a bad feeling about her leaving things on a bad note with Shannon, too. Spencer has pissed off one too many people that know Ashley. I don’t think Ashley knows now, but I think she’s going to find out the wrong way. Way to go Spencer! Some player you are! As least she’s being supportive of Ashley, though. PMS

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