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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 4)


    ‘real..real..really?’ she said with a small smile.


    ‘yeah.’ I returned the smile.


    ‘I don’t know what to say.’


    ‘just say you’ll be my girlfriend.’


    ‘no..i can’t’


    ‘what. why not.’ I frowned with a confused look


    ‘I’m just kidding. You should’ve saw your face!’ she laughed.


    ‘your so not funny! So is it a yes?’


    ‘yes!’ she screamed. She was soo happy.


    ‘hehe. Come here!’ I said pulling her into an embrace. I didn’t realized that we were still sitting by the water until a wave splashed on Ashley. I didn’t get wet but she got drenched.


    ‘oh my gosh.’ She said shivering.


    ‘haha!’ I laughed on the floor.


    ‘be quiet it’s not fair.’


    ‘I know it isn’t. but at least you have a girlfriend with a jacket.’ I said tacking off my jacket and putting it around her.


    ‘thanks spencer.’


    ‘no problem.’

    I put my arm around her waist as we stayed there watching the sunset.


    It was getting dark and cold and Ashley and I were still on the beach. We were laying on a blanket I set out so we can rest. She must’ve fell asleep when I was reading my book. I cautiously got up and rested ashley’s head on the blanket. I stood up and packed up all our stuff. After everything was ready to go I decided to wake up Ashley. I laid down next to her and smoothed out her hair with my fingers. She looked so cute when she was sleep every breathe she took ended with a small snore. The way her eyelids flutter when she sleep was probably the cutest thing I ever saw. I continued to stroke her hair when she woke up.


    ‘hmm’ she said opening her eyes half way.


    ‘we need to head home Ashley we can’t stay on the beach.’


    ‘I was comfortable here.’


    ‘you’ll be comfortable in your bed at home.’


    ‘ugh. I don’t want to get up.’


    ‘okay..just go back to sleep I’ll drive us home.’


    And right went I said that she went back to sleep. I picked her up and carried her to the car. She wasn’t that heavy so it was easy to carry all the things. I set her in the passenger seat and buckled her up. I put all of our stuff in the trunk of her car. I found a blanket in the back to I just put that on top of her so she could be warm. I took the keys from her purse and started the car. I remember where she lived so I had no problem going back to her house. After about a half hour drive i pulled up to the davies residence. Her house was probably the biggest house I ever saw. I parked the car in the drive way and carried Ashley into the house. When i passed the living room I spotted mrs. Davies.


    ‘hi mrs. Davies’


    ‘hello spencer. What happened to Ashley. Did she get drunk again?’


    ‘no ma’am she fell asleep. You mind if I stay the night and make sure she’s okay. I don’t want to leave her.’


    ‘okay spencer make sure to call you parents’




    I carried Ashley up the stairs and into her room and set her on the bed. I wanted to change her into dry clothes but I didn’t want to undress her when she was sleeping. So I gently woke her up.


    ‘hey sleepy head. Were home.’




    ‘you need to change into dry clothes cause your skirt and shirt is wet.’


    ‘okay…’ she slowly got up and changed into her pjs.


    ‘go back to sleep okay babe.’ I said sitting on the edge of her bed.


    ‘okay.’ She said and quickly fell asleep.


    I pulled out my cell phone to call my parents and tell her I was sleeping at ashley’s house.


    ‘hello dad?’


    ‘hey Spence.’


    ‘can I sleep over ashley’s house?’


    ‘yeah sure just make sure you come home tomorrow you still have Saturday practice’


    ‘okay.’ I replied.


    ‘see you tomorrow.’


    ‘goodnight dad.’


    ‘night Spence.’


    i didn’t have anything to wear so I just took a pair of ashley’s pjs and slipped them on. I wasn’t sure if I should sleep on the couch or on the bed. i’ll just sleep on the bed, Ashley wouldn’t mind. I slipped into the other side of the bed and pulled the covers over us. I turned to my side so I was facing Ashley.


    ‘goodnight ashley.’ I said.


    I turned off the bed lamp and fell asleep.



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    1. omfg that was a wicked quick post lol please do it again…amazin i love how spencer aint so innocent, but i hope her and her girlfriend break up for real lol

    2. omfg that was a wicked quick post lol please do it again…amazin i love how spencer aint so innocent, but i hope her and her girlfriend break up for real lol

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