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    Too Lost in You – (Chapter: 7)



    ‘Kim just got here she’s in the bathroom.’ Shannon said walking over to a table and sitting down.


    ‘All right cool. I need to go though so I’ll be right back.’ I said and headed towards the bathroom.


    When I got inside of the bathroom I spotted Kim applying her mascara in front of the mirror.


    ‘Kim!’ I said running over to her.


    ‘Spencer!’ She turned around and gave me a friendly hug.


    ‘How are you!’


    ‘I’m doing fine. Wow you look great.’ She said as she circled around me.


    ‘You do too. Oh I really love your shirt.’ I said touching it.


    ‘Thanks it cost  a lot.’


    ‘I bet. Let’s go Shannon is waiting for us.’ I replied walking to the door.


    ‘Who needs Shannon when you have me.’ She said pulling me back.




    ‘I missed you Spencer.’ She said moving the hair out of my face.


    ‘Kim. Don’t. I’m with Shannon now.’ I said removing her hand.


    ‘You know she’s straight right. You’re just her little gay experiment.’


    ‘Shut up you don’t know her!’


    ‘Yeah I know her more that you. She dated my brother for god sake!’


    ‘That was years ago! She’s in love with me now.’ I said yelling.


    ‘She doesn’t love you. She’s just doing this to get back at Ken.’


    ‘You need to shut up.’ I said trying to hold back the tears.


    ‘Spencer…she…Shannon had a thing with Ken when you were away. She got drunk and Ken brought her home I don’t know what happened but I heard things and I know they went far.’ She said rubbing my arm.


    ‘You…you liar!’ I exclaimed running out of the bathroom.


    I ran to the table where Shannon was supposed to be sitting at.


    ‘Oh…oh my god.’ I said backing away from the table seeing Shannon making out with Ken.


    ‘Spencer. No this isn’t what it looks like.’ She said pushing off Ken.


    ‘What it looks like! Your making out with Ken!’ I replied.


    As if on cue Kim came running out of the bathroom to me.


    ‘I told you Spencer.’ She said.


    ‘Kim..they..Shannon. I can’t do this. I need to go home.’ I said running out of the club. I heard Kim and Shannon’s voice behind me but I kept on running. I couldn’t deal with them right now. I need to get away. Go back home. Go back to Ashley.


    ‘Hello dad?’


    ‘Spencer, hows it going over there!’


    ‘Dad I need to go home.’


    ‘What happened spencer?’


    ‘I just need a ticket. Can you order it so I can go home now.’


    ‘Okay spencer just be safe.’


    ‘Thanks dad.’ I said closing the phone. I got a taxi and went to the airport. My dad had bought my ticket so I was able to leave right away.


    I arrived at LAX and Ashley offered to pick me up. She pulled up to the curve and greeted me.


    ‘Get in Spence.’ She said.


    ‘Thanks for the ride.’


    ‘So what happened anyways?’


    ‘I don’t want to talk about it right now.’


    ‘Okay..’ Ashley’s phone rang. She looked that caller ID. ‘Hold on I need to take this.’




    ‘Hello?’ She said trying to listen to what the person on the other line was trying to say and keep her eye on the road. ‘Kim, I can’t hear what your saying…..Your ex-girlfriend just left you?……..No way…….That totally sucks…..Well I’ll talk to you later I have to drop off my girlfriend……okay, okay………bye.’


    ‘Kim?’ I said surprised.


    ‘Yeah she was an old friend she moved to Ohio a long time ago. Hey, isn’t that were your from?’


    ‘Haha yeah.’


    ‘You know her? Kim Lucas.’


    ‘Yeah actually I do.’ I said a little worried. ‘ guys are friends?’


    ‘Yeah. Why?’


    ‘Oh, it’s nothing.’




    Page 2 of 212


    1. Oh man! Spencer, Spencer, you tried to play a player who was playing you. And now you’re running back to Ashley. That’s low but, I want to see how she gets herself out of this one. Shannon didn’t kiss Spencer the way she kissed Ken when they first saw each other so, I think she’s more so straight. And Kim? Spencer hit that, too?! That’s my girl:) I can’t believe she’s juggling three chick’s. PMS

    2. Oh man! Spencer, Spencer, you tried to play a player who was playing you. And now you’re running back to Ashley. That’s low but, I want to see how she gets herself out of this one. Shannon didn’t kiss Spencer the way she kissed Ken when they first saw each other so, I think she’s more so straight. And Kim? Spencer hit that, too?! That’s my girl:) I can’t believe she’s juggling three chick’s. PMS

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