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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: Confessions In The Dark)

    “If we had some good dancers we would have been ready three weeks ago,” I groaned.

    “Well, it’s your job to get those girls ready.”

    “I know mom,” I sighed not really wanting the whole responsibility speech right now. All I wanted to do was go bury my misery and pain in my pillow, along with my silent screams.

    “When I was a cheerleader, we were always ready and on time,” she began her rant.

    “I know.”

    “Besides you have to be top notch when you cheer at Alex’s football game.”

    “Ok,” I muttered.

    “So are you going to call Alex back?” she swung the conversation back around back to him. It always ended with him. By now it was a recurring theme, and inevitable pattern.

    “I’ll call him back upstairs,” I replied hoping this was the end of the discussion.

    “Every girl in the school would kill to be you Spencer,” she reminded me. She never failed to remind me. But that’s why I had to be perfect. It was just another reason why Ashley and I couldn’t be, and the thought killed my heart.

    “I know mom, I know.”

    Trudging into my room, I threw my bag onto the floor and fell onto my bed. I closed my eyes in attempt to just fall asleep, and forget this entire day. Yet, no matter how hard I tried, and no matter how many times I tossed and turned, I couldn’t sleep. One thing demanded all of my attention, and she wouldn’t go away. So I snuggled further into my covers, wrapped my arms around myself, and pretended that she was lying next to me…


    “huh,” I mumbled rubbing my eyes, and sitting up in the darkness. Looking at the clock, I realized it was two o’clock in the morning.


    There that noise was again. It’s a really good thing that I’m not paranoid or anything, or I might thing that someone was trying to break in… shit someone was trying to break in.


    “Who’s there?” I shouted into the darkness feeling like an idiot.

    “Spencer,” I could hear someone say my name, but it sounded far away.



    “Ashley?” I asked swinging my feet over my bed, and heading towards the window. Opening my shade, the moonlight lit up my room and the streets. Sleeping houses surrounded me. Looking down, I saw Ashley standing with rocks in her hands.

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    1. dang spencer has a lot of people pressuring her. I’m glad ashley is there and isn’t like every1 else in her life. I just hope ashley is able to handle being with spencer and all that comes with her. post agin soon!

    2. I feel like spencer may have a future breakdown with all the pressure going on around her. Maybe Alex could be a good guy and help her out with Ashley…but then again I dont think Ashley realizes how much this could hurt her. Post More As Soon As You Can!

    3. i have a feeling this whole secret thing is going to back fire and hard…im happy spencer is willing to risk her perfect life to see ashley secretly but spencer really needs to open her eyes and see that a life with ashley as her love is better than being the perfect girl….great update PMS pleaseee

    4. Don’t do it Ashley! Most of us have been there with the secrecy and it hardly ever works out. Spencer needs to grow a backbone and stand-up for herself instead of letting others plan her life for her. I can’t stand parents like that. Great update! PMS!

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