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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: Confessions In The Dark)

    “Ashley what are you doing?” I whispered opening the window hoping I wasn‘t going to disturb the neighborhoods peaceful slumber. “You shouldn’t be here.”

    “I needed to see you.” This brought a smile to my face. If it was possible, she looked even more beautiful with the moon light casting on her. Biting my lip, I tried to think of what to do.

    “Hold on,” I smiled excitedly before running down the stairs to open the front door.

    “Come on,” I ushered her in having her follow me up to my room. The stairs made sure the creak the whole way. Like a security system trying to warn my mom that she was here. They were always on her side.

    Once she was inside of my room, I looked around to make sure my mom wasn’t awake and closed the door behind me.

    “I missed you,” Ashley blurted out as soon as the door as closed like she couldn‘t hold it in any longer.

    “I missed you too,” I replied in all honesty.

    “Sorry about school,” she apologized sitting on my bed. “If I looked at you, it would have just hurt worse…”

    “I understand,” I replied. “I’m glad you’re here,” I whispered sitting down on my bed next to her.

    “Me to,” she smiled turning to face me. “Spencer I, I know this might sound weird,” she started trying to choose the right words. “But I, I want you in my life Spencer,” she almost pleaded with me, but she had to know I felt the same didn’t she?

    “I want you in my life too Ash, but it’s just that…” I died out, but she knew what I meant.

    “Nobody has to know,” she stated biting her lip in uncertainty.

    “I don’t know Ash,” I replied hesitantly.

    “We can keep it a secret.”

    “What are you going to do though if I have to hang out with Alex?”

    “I’ll suck it up, and deal with it,” she pleaded.

    “Ash I don’t want to end up unintentionally hurting you. I care about you.”

    “I can handle it Spence. I promise.”

    “I still don’t know Ash,” I sighed looking down at the floor. But I looked up when I felt soft fingers slide into my palms and take a hold of my hands.

    “Please Spence. I need you to be my everything.”

    “Ok,” I whispered smiling. “Ok.”

    If she said anything after that I can’t remember. All I remember is the next thing I knew she was flying towards me, pinning me underneath her with her body, while her lips assaulted mine. Not like I was complaining though, I was more than happy to oblige her. Tangling my hands in her hair, I lost myself in the kiss, forgetting the world around me and the shitty day I had. The only thing that mattered was the girl lying on top of me.

    “Ashley,” I whispered breaking contact.

    “Yeah Spence?” Ashley replied pushing strands of hair behind my ears causing my face to burn red.

    “Will you stay here?” I asked biting my lip in the uncertainty of if I should even be asking.

    “Of course,” she smiled sweetly before switching positions so that she was lying beside me.

    This time when I closed my eyes I didn’t have to pretend it was her arms that were wrapped around me. I didn’t have to imagine anything, cause this time she really was here. Her arms were wrapped around my torso pulling me into her, and her shallow breaths were actually tickling my skin with every rise and fall of her chest. This time it didn’t take long at all to fall asleep. Within moments I could feel myself drift off to slumber…

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    1. dang spencer has a lot of people pressuring her. I’m glad ashley is there and isn’t like every1 else in her life. I just hope ashley is able to handle being with spencer and all that comes with her. post agin soon!

    2. I feel like spencer may have a future breakdown with all the pressure going on around her. Maybe Alex could be a good guy and help her out with Ashley…but then again I dont think Ashley realizes how much this could hurt her. Post More As Soon As You Can!

    3. i have a feeling this whole secret thing is going to back fire and hard…im happy spencer is willing to risk her perfect life to see ashley secretly but spencer really needs to open her eyes and see that a life with ashley as her love is better than being the perfect girl….great update PMS pleaseee

    4. Don’t do it Ashley! Most of us have been there with the secrecy and it hardly ever works out. Spencer needs to grow a backbone and stand-up for herself instead of letting others plan her life for her. I can’t stand parents like that. Great update! PMS!

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