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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: How Did You Know)

    “If we put this together piece by piece

    Could we put back together the pieces of my heart

    Back to the way it was before you ripped it apart

    The blue eyed beauty who never noticed the damage she’d create

    So she took my heart and called her leaving fate

    Could describe the feeling

    But it wouldn’t be enough to make you ever quite understand

    You got my heart in the palm of your hand

    Choke on phrases

    If I love her let her go

    So many useless cliché’s

    If I love her

    How can I just let her fade away?” sliding closer to her, I rested my head on her shoulder, and felt the vibrations of her voice run through my chest. Closing my eyes, I let the rhythm spread across my body.

    “I wont sleep

    It’s not like I’ll have much of a choice

    Ever since she’s been gone

    I can still hear her voice

    The way she rolls her head back when she laughs

    It still sends shivers through my spine

    But it ends when I remember she’s no longer mine

    If we put this together piece by piece

    Could we put back together the pieces of my heart

    Back to the way it was before you ripped it apart

    The blue eyed beauty who never noticed the damage she’d create

    So she took my heart and called her leaving fate,” this time she was the one to make the move. Glancing over at me, I could feel a smile spread across her face, and I loved it.

    “Could describe the feeling

    But it wouldn’t be enough to make you ever quite understand

    You got my heart in the palm of your hand

    Choke on phrases

    If I love her let her go

    So many useless cliché’s

    If I love her

    How can I just let her fade away?

    You can’t say I didn’t try

    Been on your front porch so many times

    Pacing in circles trying to find these invisible lines (I always seem to cross)

    You say I’m never around

    But I’m right there if you’d just look behind

    I’m standing in your past you’ve tried so damn hard to erase

    If this is what you really want

    I’ll give you your space…,” her voice seemed to grow distant for a moment, and I could tell her eyes seemed to glaze over.

    “Don’t say it

    Every word that comes out of your mouth

    I hate it

    Oh god please don’t say it

    Run around the issue

    As we sedate it

    Please I’m on my knees JUST SAY IT

    Every word that comes out of your mouth

    I hate it…

    Could describe the feeling

    But it wouldn’t be enough to make you ever quite understand

    You got my heart in the palm of your hand

    Choke on phrases

    If I love her let her go

    So many useless cliché’s

    If I love her

    How can I just let her fade away?” she ended and threw the pad down on the floor, taking a deep breath and letting it out.

    “See,” she whispered.

    “Hmm,” I mumbled my eyes peacefully closed, with my head still comfortably resting on her shoulder.

    “My songs suck,” she laughed causing my head to move with her vibrations.

    “Stop laughing,” I groaned pushing my forehead against her warm exposed skin.

    “Fine,” she sighed sounding tired.

    “It was beautiful Ash,” I whispered before kissing her on the cheek and falling into the covers.

    “Thanks,” she mumbled and this time it was her turn to come out sounding breathless.

    She turned out the lights, and I felt her body fall into the sheets. It was too dark for her to tell, but I was glowing. I didn’t understand why, but it was to the point, where I didn’t even care anymore. I was on top of the world, and I never wanted to come down.

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