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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: So You Think You Can Dance?)

    “Hey Melissa,” Ashley greeted her.

    “I see you brought company tonight,” Melissa stated.

    “Yep, this is my frie…this is Spencer,” Ashley corrected herself.

    “Hi,” I greeted her timidly, again so unlike me.

    “Bringing the bi curious ones now?” she asked with a questioning look Ashley.

    “What?” I asked getting confused by the conversation.

    “No, she’s about as straight as they get,” Ashley replied making sure to take a huge gulp of her drink.

    “Wow, not trying to get laid tonight?”

    “Ashley where are we?” I asked wanting a straight answer.

    “Na,” Ashley responded completely ignoring me and shifting uncomfortably. At least I wasn’t the only one who felt uncomfortable.

    “Ok, well if you get tired of her,” Melissa gestured towards me, “I‘ll be in the back.” With that, she walked away and disappeared through the crowd.

    “Ashley where the fuck are we?” I asked again getting aggravated by being ignored.

    “It’s just a gay bar Spencer, chill,” Ashley assured me.

    “A gay bar?” I asked confused. For some reason, I couldn’t think. How was suppose to keep my composure here? Ok Spencer, just think of this as a challenge.

    “Yeah,” she replied.

    “Oh,” was all I said before chugging my drink. “I’m going to go sit down,” I told Ashley before walking up to the bar. I could feel her close behind me every step of the way, her heated breath scorching the back of my neck.

    Sitting down on the bar stool, I knew I looked lost, but I didn’t care.

    “Does that freak you out?” Ashley smirked devilishly before running her hand across my thigh in a painfully slow movement, making me bite my lip to hold back a moan.

    “Maybe a little,” was all I could manage to get out. God I was trying to sound cool and confident still, from the smile that crept over Ashley’s face, I could tell that for once, it failed so, so miserably.

    “Liar,” she laughed. “Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look this lost.”

    “I do not look lost,” I defended myself.

    “Ok, ok, no need to get all defensive,” she joked.

    “So is this where you go all the time?” I asked curious, once again, I didn’t know why. Maybe I was just trying to make conversation this time, because Ashley was the only thing that I recognized at the moment.

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    1. oh i loved this chapter a whole lot like a lot lot, ash was so seductive and got spence to crash at her house so easily maybe spence should have realized she was going to lose by ash’s confidence pms

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