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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: So You Think You Can Dance?)

    “Once in awhile,” she smiled. Looking out into the crowd, I finally starting realizing how the guys were dancing with guys and girls were dancing with girls. How did I not notice this before? God damn I’m oblivious when I want to be.

    “Did you want to dance,” Ashley asked, following my gaze.

    “Out there?” ok dumb question.

    “No, outside,” Ashley replied sarcastically.

    “You’re a very sarcastic person.”

    “Yeah, but you’re kind of ditzy. So I guess we’re even.”

    “Fine, come on,” I replied getting up and extending my hand out to her.

    “Alright,” she smiled confidently taking my hand and leading me out to the center of the dance floor.

    “So on a scale of one to ten,” she asked resting her hands on my hips, “how freaked out are you right now?”

    “Hm, six and a half,” I replied tentatively putting my hands on her shoulders. But I quickly relaxed when she just smiled at my nervous antics. “Ok, if we were at a straight bar, how freaked out would you be?” I asked curious.

    “Probably an eight.”

    “Really?” I asked surprised, she seemed so cool and confident here.

    “Especially if you were there,” she added guiding me with the pressure she’d put on my hips.

    “Why, I’m here now?”

    “Yeah, well you intimidate me, and when you’re with your boyfriend, you intimidate me even more.”

    “You’re so weird,” I joked getting a big smile out of her. And it made it completely worth it just to see her smile.

    “Hey, I’m not the one who’s got the perfect boyfriend, but instead am hanging out with the schools outcast.”


    “Happens,” Ashley finished my sentence. “Got it.”

    “That’s creepy that your already finishing my sentences.”

    “Yeah, well you know what else is creepy?” Ashley asked.


    “My insane dance skills.”

    “You talk too big.”

    “What do you want to bet?” the teen moved in closer to whisper in my ear, causing heat to spread like forest fire across my face.

    “If you can’t dance,” I paused to think about it, “you have to let me read one of your songs.”

    “Ok,” she smiled confidently again, making me wonder how good of dancer she was. “If I win, you crash at my house tonight.” I bit my lip thinking over the proposition.


    “Then may I have this dance Ms. Carlin?” Ashley asked me. “All you have to do is follow my lead.” I just nodded my head in approval, while she moved one of her hands from my side to grip my hand.

    “Ash,” I whispered barely audible through the noise of people around us, but I had forgot they were there a long time ago.

    “Just follow me,” she repeated soothingly guiding my body slowly through the motions, being patient as I caught on to which way to move. Each step matched with every breath, every rhythm that pounded through my chest. It caught me by surprise when she dipped me and pulled me back into her, causing a sound escaped from my throat loud enough for her to hear

    “Floor or bed?” Ashley whispered into my ear.

    “What?” I replied confused, the question catching me off guard.

    “Where do you want to sleep?”

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    1. oh i loved this chapter a whole lot like a lot lot, ash was so seductive and got spence to crash at her house so easily maybe spence should have realized she was going to lose by ash’s confidence pms

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