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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: Where Do We Go From Here)

    “Fuck Spencer,” I whispered to myself. “This is stupid. What am I doing?” I questioned. “This can’t happen. I know it can’t,” I convinced myself and I was about to turn around and just leave.

    “Are you going to knock?” I heard a voice ask from behind me. Turning around, I saw Ashley standing there.

    “Holy shit!” I breathed feeling my heart stop in my chest for a moment. “You scared me.”


    “Where were you?” I asked confused.

    “Had to pee.”

    “Oh, me to,” I stated before realizing how weird that sounded. I guess it was weird, cause she looked at me funny.

    “So uh didn’t see you at school today,” I mumbled stuttering over my words like an idiot. Oh god this is so not like me.

    “Yeah, didn’t feel like going,” was all she said, but her body seemed to convey more emotions. A smirk stretched across her face, eyes seemed to chuckle at my nervous antics. The weird thing was I barely knew this girl, and I already felt like I could partially read her. Her eyes seemed to light up, almost like I could feel mine…

    “What are you thinking?” she whispered, causing me to unconsciously lick my lips.

    “That I’m glad I get to stare into my favorite deeeeeeeeep brown eyes,” I replied making sure to put extra emphasis on deep.

    “Yeah, well thanks to you, my new favorite color is blue,” the teen seductively replied moving closer. Gripping the wall, I realized my back was pressed against the outside of her door and our bodies were only mere inches apart now. I could feel the heat radiating between us.

    “How many cheesy lines can one person come up with?” I smiled never once even daring to tear my gaze away from hers. It was like a trance, and the only thing I could see was her.

    “You have no idea,” Ashley leaned in, her fingers grazing up my arms so slow it sent chills through my body, and all I could process was that I needed more. More…

    “The Ashley Davies charm huh?” I joked trying to seem cool and confident, even though I wasn’t remotely near being cool or confident, so I just let her scent surround me and cloud my mind with only thoughts of her, and the beauty that cascaded over all reasoning and doubt.

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    1. finally an update!!!this was killing me not having any stories to read! this update was awesome though, and I really hope spencer and ashley get together maybe like ashley does something cute for spencer like puts roses in her locker AW! presh! haha one can dream right?!

    2. omg!!! this is a great story!!i love it!!i wonder whats going to happen while they are at school…i hope there is no avoiding eachother lolz…well PMS pleaseee

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