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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: Where Do We Go From Here)

    “Works 99.9% percent of the time.”

    “Yeah, well what happens the other .1%,” I asked cheekily.

    “I actually have never had it not work, but I didn’t want to be too cocky,” Ashley grinned, her nose crinkling from the action. If it’s possible, my backbone disappeared, and I melted into her smile.

    “You are so lucky I find your big head amusing,” I stated looking from her eyes to her lips. They were only mere inches away. Heated breaths could be felt as they crossed my cheeks.

    “Spencer,” Ashley whispered hoarsely, her voice turning serious.

    “Ash, what are you thinking now?” I whispered.

    “How beautiful you are,” her eyes were glazed over with passion, burning deep inside those eyes were desire. They seemed to spin circles around my heart, forever intertwining me into them. Losing myself in them, I saw her. No walls, not an outcast, or Kyla’s sister. I just saw her.

    I don’t remember who it was who closed the remaining distance All I knew was that my body was lighting up. Trying to convey as best a possible this emotions she’s making me feel, I deepened the kiss, as if never wanting this to end. Everything stood still. Vanilla haunted my senses, brain shut down for good, the only thing I cared about were the lips on mine.

    Running my hands up and down her sides, her touch felt irresistible. Ardor coursed through my body, like fire through my veins. I felt alive, and I could feel it almost physically send me over the edge.

    “Ash,” I gasped inbetween breaths.

    “Spence?” she replied breathlessly.


    “Spencer where the hell are you? Did you fall in?” I could hear Kyla screaming down the hall.

    “Shit,” I mumbled breaking the kiss, but making sure to rest my forehead on hers before she broke all contact. “I should go.”

    “Spencer,” I could hear her voice beg me for something, but I could tell even she didn’t know quite what she was asking for.

    “See you in school tomorrow?” I asked pulling away just enough to look her in the eye.

    “Yeah,” was all she could say. I could tell that all the fire had been drained away. For a moment, we had let reality slip away. But we both knew it couldn’t last. Two worlds apart, but then why did this hurt so bad?

    “Bye Ashley,” I kissed her on the cheek, and reluctantly began to walk away from her, making sure to not look back. Cause if I did, I don’t know if I could have bared it. I felt her heart break, but I felt mine break too…

    “Bye Spencer,” I heard Ashley whisper, and then it was over almost as soon as it had begun. But I didn’t want it to end, I wanted to go back. So where am I suppose to go from here?

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    1. finally an update!!!this was killing me not having any stories to read! this update was awesome though, and I really hope spencer and ashley get together maybe like ashley does something cute for spencer like puts roses in her locker AW! presh! haha one can dream right?!

    2. omg!!! this is a great story!!i love it!!i wonder whats going to happen while they are at school…i hope there is no avoiding eachother lolz…well PMS pleaseee

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