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    Unexpected Visitor – (Chapter: One Shot)

    "Spen-Spencer!" she screamed, almost there…

    "Yeah?" a light humorous voice filled the room. Ashley halted what she was doing, panicked, and threw the closest blanket over her half naked body. A giggle came from the nearby window and Ashley shifted her eyes towards it’s owner. 

    Spencer’s beauiful azul eyes met her gaze. She gaped in awe for a minute, her mouth wide ipen in shock at the blonde who’s features were framed in the moonlight as it stuck out of her bedroom window. A second later and Ashley had flung off the blanket and hurled herself at the blonde, smashing their lips together. She wrapped her hand around Spencer’s neck to deepen the kiss and ddin’t pull away even when Spencer began to call out her name against her lips.



    "You’re…hurting…me," the blonde said. Ashley immediately removed herself as she realized that she had pulled the blonde’s head even further into the room causing her neck to collide with the window sill.

    "I’m sorry," she stuttered, still shocked, "Just…you, here. What the hell are you doing here?!"

    Spencer giggled again. God, how she loved her laugh, "Well let me come all the way in and I’ll explain," the blonde began to heave herself through the window but was stopped as the brunette pushed her back out of the window and into the cold winter air. She grunted as she fell back onto the roof, "Ashley what the fuck?" The brunette soon followed the blonde out of the windown closing hte pane behind her silently before turning around.

    "My room is messy," she stated simply with a shrug of her shoulders. The blonde’s jaw dropped open in disbelief.


    "So…it’s not perfect and I want to be perfect for you…" Ashley said quietly. Spencer’s mouth stretched in a grin. Their eyes met and they just stared at each other for several minutes before Ashley broke the silence.

    "It’s freezing…" she said hugging herself. The blonde’s smile turned into a smirk as she crawled towards Ashley.

    "I can think of many ways to warm you up," she said huskily. Ashley felt a shiver of pleasure run down her spine straight to her core. She opened her mouth to speak but was soon silenced by Spencer’s full lips colliding with hers. Both girls moaned as they opened their mouths simultaenously to accept each other’s tongues. Ashley reached up to the buttons on Spencer’s shirt but her hand shrinked away as Spencer slapped it disapprovingly. The blonde pulled away.

    "No I haven’t seen you in a month…please let me touch you," the blonde pleaded.

    "No," Ashley said, "I want to please youuuuu…" Ashley’s sentence turned into a moan as the blonde straddled her.

    "I don’t care," the blonde said switching her position so that she was laying on top of the brunette she grinded her hips hard into Ashley’s. She then slowly crawled down Ashley’s body kissing ever piece of skin she could find. Ashley groaned in longing as Spencer kissed right above her heat and then skipped it over to kiss the inside of the girl’s thighs.

    Both girls no longer felt the chilling air as the heat radiating from their bodies was more then enough warmth. Both girls were actually sweating, the blonde especially being still fully clothed. 

    The brunette squealed in pleasure as the blonde brushed her tongue past Ashley’s bundle of nerves. Spencer took Ashley’s clit into her mouth and sucked hard on it causing Ashley’s back to arch off of the roof tiles.

    "Oh my God Spencer, I love you…so much!"

    "I know you do baby…" Spencer removed herself from between Ashley’s legs.

    "Please…" Ashley groaned out in need.

    "Please what?" Spencer asked raising an eyebrow.

    "God damnit Spence FUCK ME!" Ashley screamed. Spencer couldn’t tease the brunette any longer as she slipped three fingers into the brunette causing the brunette to scream out in surprise. Spencer pushed hard into Ashley as she leaned over her. The brunette’s breathing became more and more erratic as she began to meet Spencer’s thrusts.

    "Jesus…Christ," Ashley grunted after each thrust.

    "I’m soo close Spencer!"

    "Really baby?"

    "Yessss…" Spencer began to thrust even harder adding her pinky finger.

    "AHHH!" Ashley screamed.

    "Shhh your neighbors," Spencer tried to mock quiet the brunette but secretly pressed her thumb hard against the girl’s clit. Ashley screamed and her whole body seemed to vibrate in pleasure. After a few minutes the brunette came down from her orgasm and felt waves of exhaustion sweep over. Her eyes began to droop as she slowly drifted of to sleep. The last thing she saw was Spencer’s gorgeous blue eyes and Spencer was the last thing she heard as well.


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