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    Unpredicable – (Chapter: Chapter One)

    Spencer: thanks Ashley

    Ashley: so who else knows.

    Spencer: well Sharae and prob. Kyla

    Ashley: how does she know did toy tell her

    Spencer: no she just guessed

    Ashley: I guess sister know these types of things

    Spencer: yeah I guess so….

      Spencer laid her head on my shoulder

    Ashley: hey Sit up a little

    Spencer: what?

      I moved so that she was in between my legs and I had her lay her head on my chest. I wanted so much to rub her stomach but I was scared I know that some people don’t like that she must have known what I was thinking

    Spencer: its ok Ash you can touch my tummy if you want to.

      She said with a smirk on her face. So we laied like that watchig TV and me rubbing her stomach. She feel asleep she looked like an angel

       “Making love in this club in this up in this club” My phone was ringing it was Carmon

    Ashley: Um hello

    Carmon: hey baby whats up

    Ashley: oh nuthing just laying down hanging with Spencer

    Carmon oh ok r u gonna be with her all day

    Ashley: um idk um we have some tings we have to talk about but um you can come over if you want.

    Carmon: um ok I will be over after while

    Ashley: Ok ttyl

    Carmon: bye

      After that five minet canvo I looked at the clock it was only 12:30 Kyla was supposed to be home by like 4:30 for dinner. I must have fell asleep because I was woken up to my cell phone again..

      “ It’s too late to apologize its too late. I said it’s too late to apologize its too late for that”

    Ashley: Hello

    Kyla: Hey Ash since it is Friday can Sharae spend the night.

    Ashley: um what made you think I would care

    Kyla: I didny but Sharae is at home and Mr. C told me to ask you.

    Spencer: hey Ash

    Ashley: um ky I don’t care ok is she gonna drive

    Kyla: No Glen is

    Ashley: ok I don’t care

    Kyla: ok sis we will be there soon

    Ashley: ok , hey Spence how was you nap

    Spencer: good because I hade a nice pillow

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