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    Unpredicable – (Chapter: Chapter One)

      She said smiling up at me.

    ???: hey guys

    Spencer: oh hi Carmon

    Carmon: Spencer

     See Carmon does not like Spencer at all she thinks that there is something eles there. Well now there is but I don’t think there was before.

    Ashley: hey baby

    Spencer: ok Ash I am gonna go

    Ashley: oh no you are not you are staying here tonite and beside you lil sister will be here any second

    Spencer: ok I am gonna go lay down in the bedroom

    Ashley: ok call me if you need anything

    Spencer: ok ash

      I watched her walk down the hall to my bedroom and for some reason the only thing that I wanted to do was go and lay down with her.

    Carmon: um hello I am still here

    Ashley: oh shit sorry baby what are you doing here

    Carmon: um you told me to come over

    Ashley: oh yeah um whats up

    Carmon: nuthing I just wanted to see you but now I see that you are busy with you other girlfriend so I will come back later.

    Ashley: you know what Carmon I am so not in the mood for this shit right now ok I need to go make dinner ok if you have a problem with my relationship with Spencer then deal with it ok

    Carmon: look Ashley I know that you love her ok I see the way you look at her and I see it in you eyes you don’t even tell me you love me. I want you to pick the woman who loves you or the straight girl who only sees you as a friend.

    Ashley: I .. I am sorry Carmon I really and but I don’t wanna choose so please don’t make me.

    Carmon: no Ashley it is me or her which one

    Ashley: it is her


    Carmon: I cant belive you just said that you pick her over me

    Ashley: I am sorry

    Carmon: you know what fine I am gone

     And she was gone I wnt back to my bed room and to talk to spencer when I heard the front door open I just guessed it was Kyla and Sharae.

    Ashley: hey spencer wake up babe we need to talk

    Spencer: hey whats up

    Ashley: move in with me

    Spencer: um ash I don’t know what about Sharae and Glen

    Ashley: Sharae is here most of the time and Glen is a big boy come on spencer you are about to have a baby.

    Then I heard the front door again……..

     Ashley: Kyla….. no answer…. FUCK

        I said running to my font door ………



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