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    Vicious Cycle-The phone call

    I went to pick up my phone, and looked at Ash as if I could have been vaporized that very minute by simply picking it up depending on who was on the other line.


    I sighed in relief when I heard Clay’s voice, but that quickly left when I realized his urgency.


    “Spencer where the hell are you?! Mom and Dad are freaking out!! Glen hurt his leg really badly last night and he’s in the hospital.”


    “What! Are you serious?”


    Ash gave me a what the fuck look and asked who it was so I mouthed “Clay” and put my finger up to tell her to hold on a minute.


    “Look Spencer all you need to worry about is getting your ass down to the hospital as soon as possible, I’m sure that you’ll get the details along with quite a speech to go along with it.”


    “Ok, I’ll be there in a bit” I turned to look at Ash who was sitting on the edge of the bed trying to keep her worried expression to herself, but it proved to no avail.


    “I don’t really have the time to explain it to you right now, but can you please drive me to the hospital?”


    “Umm…yea sure”


    We both got dressed in near silence at a hurried pace, and went downstairs to her car.



    As I got in the drivers seat, I couldn’t help keep worrying about what had happened, so when I was finally on the road, I asked Spence what happened.


    “Well first off, my parents probably mostly my mom is freaking out because I didn’t tell where I was last night and on top of that, Glen injured his leg while playing basketball and that’s why we’re on our way to the hospital.”


    I let go of a breath that I didn’t know I was holding onto, sadly not because I was worried about Glen, I mean I was but not nearly as much as I was for Spencer. But then I realized that we…or rather she still had to face the music with her mother.



    Ash dropped me off at the Emergency entrance, and asked me if I needed her to come with me. I hesitated, but thought about it for a second, then agreed. I got out of the car, and she went to park the car.

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