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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: 4 weeks is the end [Chapter 14])

    “Well remember when I sent like 8 pieces of luggage ahead of time, well all that clothes wasn’t mine, sum of it was of this gorgeous blonde that stole my heart.” She smiled even wider, it wasn’t to much trouble.

    “And where will I live Ms. Davies?” She asked me.

    “Why Ms. Carlin, you will be bunking in the same room as me” I said proudly and happy, just imagining the nights of fun we were going to have.

    “The only problem is I only have one bed, and well I like to spoon at night” I added as I let out a loud sigh.

    “Damn, so if I want to bring this hot brunette over and have sex with her over and over again, you’re going to be there too?” She says with a small giggle.

    “Afraid so, heck, I might even join the fun” I say as I give her my best smile, the one she loves so much. She gives me a soft kiss as we look for our seats.

    “Well if I don’t find any hot brunette’s I guess me and you can just have fun” She says with a sly smile.

    “Wouldn’t have it any other way” I say, as I give her a kiss this time.

    ‘This is you’re captain speaking, we are clear for take off.’

    I grab her hand and lead her away from out seats for a second. We reach our destination and I go in and once again go through the same routine as in the airport. I lock the bathroom door and pull down the baby changing table and sit on it. I unbutton my jeans and pull them down showing my black thong..

    “Spence, you still want to taste” I ask as I once again twirl my hair with my finger and bite my bottom lip.

    She walked over to me and moved my thong to the side as she licked me. I let out a moan as I felt the plane start to move. She added a finger and I moaned her name. I grab her breast and start squeezing it.

    She inserts the third finger as I moan her name again and she starts to go in faster and harder, really hitting the spot. I immediately cum as Spencer kisses my lips and she goes back down on me as my orgasm still rips through my body. I feel the plane off the ground which just intensifies the orgasm as Spencer licks my extremely sensitive area. When the plane finally steadies, Spencer kisses me passionately. Now I don’t want to sound to cocky, but I do believe this was my best idea, ever.

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    1. HOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished reading this entire story and I will have to say it with as many adjectives as I can, sexy, steamy, titillating, seductive, ravishing, captivating, charming and cute. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and now I think I need a cold shower. Well done! Please, I beg of you, PMS!

    2. HOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished reading this entire story and I will have to say it with as many adjectives as I can, sexy, steamy, titillating, seductive, ravishing, captivating, charming and cute. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and now I think I need a cold shower. Well done! Please, I beg of you, PMS!

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