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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: 4 weeks is the end [Chapter 14])

    I guess I should explain a little bit. Ashley and I were inseparable after that night. I mean, god you wouldn’t see one without the other, and when you didn’t see us, we were somewhere where our hands could explore each others bodies. But that’s beside the point right now.

    About two weeks into the ‘relationship’ Ashley was partnered with one of the sluts at the acting place. I didn’t even care to learn her name, but Ashley was spending a little too much time with that whore, so the night she came back to her trailer really late, like at 1 a.m. I asked her where she had been.

    She responded with a simple ‘I was with my acting partner’ as she smiled. ‘Till 1 a.m.’ I asked her. I kept going on with the interrogation until Ashley finally got fed up with it. ‘Yes Spencer, I kissed the bitch, is that what you want to hear’ she screamed out. I felt the tears start to form in my eyes. ‘Really?’ I asked her again. ‘No Spencer, how could you even think that, I love you, and you think I’m out kissing some random girl, why are you such a drama queen!’ She screamed the last part out to me.

    I slapped her, I don’t really know why I did, it just happened. When she screamed at me, it just sort of reminded me of what happens at my house. I covered my mouth as I started to cry. ‘Oh my god, Ashley’ I gasped as I tried to cup her cheek. Next thing I know, I’m being pushed onto the bed, and her lips crash into mine.

    “Mmm” Oh sorry about that, Ashley is teasing me, god, kissing my thighs, what a tease. Anyway, back to the story.

    We ripped each other’s clothes off that night. Like literally, our clothes were ripped off, right now they are in a dump somewhere, because the rips were like really bad. But forget about that, anyway, that was the greatest sex we had the whole time there. And I learned about Ashley’s like fetish for violence I guess you could say. She likes being slapped around a bit, and bitten, and even scratched a bit, which I of course have no problem obliging to. It kind of gets me a little hotter too, I would just never admit it to Ashley.


    1. HOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished reading this entire story and I will have to say it with as many adjectives as I can, sexy, steamy, titillating, seductive, ravishing, captivating, charming and cute. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and now I think I need a cold shower. Well done! Please, I beg of you, PMS!

    2. HOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished reading this entire story and I will have to say it with as many adjectives as I can, sexy, steamy, titillating, seductive, ravishing, captivating, charming and cute. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and now I think I need a cold shower. Well done! Please, I beg of you, PMS!

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