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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: 4 weeks is the end [Chapter 14])

    When we woke up, I immediately started asking Ashley for forgiveness for what I had done to her. We talked, and we talked, and we talked some more. And well she pretty much put me in my place, and she explained that I was the only person she could ever picture herself with and a bunch of other mushy, gross, super romantic stuff. I couldn’t hide my smile as she talked. And well let’s just say my jealousy is completely under control now.

    “Oh god Ashley” Sorry, it’s hard to tell a story while you’re sexy girlfriend is eating you out. I’m sure you all get this.

    From then on, whenever one of us mentioned the words drama queen, it was a silent agreement that we have to go, and have hot sex somewhere. And trust me it wasn’t that hard to mention drama queen around the other girls. Each one of them bitching and moaning about their problems, just one little slip saying they’re such a drama queen sometimes got me and Ashley heading to one of our trailers and having a great night. Which we pretty much had every single night.

    Sorry, this is all probably pretty boring to you, I just thought you should know. A sort of background to this whole thing. You know like a why is Ashley taking advantage of me in a bathroom.

    Well as you can tell, we are still together and we couldn’t be happier. Well not now, because she’s leaving, so that’s not exactly making me the happiest girl alive. But we still are together, hoping this thing will work long distance. It’s got to work, love like this is impossible to break, I hope.

    “Oh Ashley” I scream out as I feel myself contract around her fingers and I leave scratch marks on Ashley’s back. God the way she makes me come, it just have to hold onto something, it’s just so great. I need to hold onto something, god, I really have never felt anything like this.

    I feel her still playing with my right nipple, as she bites it, licks it, sucks on it, and flicks it around. I let out a small moan, as my eyes are still closed from when I came. I open my eyes and I lift Ashley’s chin up and kiss her softly on the lips. God, I am never going to get tired of those lips, they’re so perfect.


    1. HOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished reading this entire story and I will have to say it with as many adjectives as I can, sexy, steamy, titillating, seductive, ravishing, captivating, charming and cute. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and now I think I need a cold shower. Well done! Please, I beg of you, PMS!

    2. HOTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!! I just finished reading this entire story and I will have to say it with as many adjectives as I can, sexy, steamy, titillating, seductive, ravishing, captivating, charming and cute. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading this story and now I think I need a cold shower. Well done! Please, I beg of you, PMS!

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