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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: First Impressions [Chapter 6])

    “Ash, sorry for all the questions, but, how did you get half of the script?” She looks at me and I just lose myself in those eyes for a bit and then respond.

    “Well, Mr. Lynch over there said I was a shoe-in along with you, so he gave me pretty much the whole script to the show, I’m actually surprised he hasn’t given it to you yet” She puts on a disappointed look, and I kind of feel bad for her.

    “Well apparently I’m not as big of a shoe in as you” I heard a little jealousy in that voice, maybe now she hates me, so I just lower my head and look at my feet as if they’re going to go somewhere.

    “Ash, I didn’t mean it that way, I mean you’re great, you’re like the best, and you definitely deserve the part, but I thought I was like already in when he said that to me.” I look up and smile, knowing she wasn’t jealous of me, she was mostly mad as Tim over there for lying you could say.

    “Well I’ll definitely help you, because I wouldn’t be able to do this without you” I respond, and I’m liking this new confident Ashley, not the push over Ashley I was, or am with Aiden. Spencer just nods, smiles, and blushes. God I love the new routine of hers.

    Then it hits me, she never read her script, well it doesn’t look like it anyway, so maybe she is a shoe in like me but she doesn’t know it yet.

    I decide she should practice from the script she probably actually got at home. I take it out of my purse and then think of a brilliant idea, I’m going to sort of punish her for not reading this script.

    “Hey, let’s do this scene, I haven’t even read it yet.” I tell her, knowing it’s the scene where Matt is supposed to cry, and I’m going to give the performance of a lifetime.

    “Since you’re going to be Gabby, you’re going to be her, and I’m going to be Matt.” I tell her, she’s thinking hard of who Matt is and then she remembers, well she looks like she remembers anyway.


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