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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: First Impressions [Chapter 6])

    “Ok” she responds and I just smile. It’s an arguing scene I picked so I could cry my eyes out. She starts and I just continue, we scream low enough so that Tim or the driver don’t ask what’s going on back here. Then she starts to get into this and as do I as my eyes start to water. I can see in her eyes she thinks she’s hurting me, and she is, because I can’t just kiss those lips. Wait, what am I thinking, you have to calm down and just execute the prank. Then I start to sob

    “Oh my god Ashley, are you okay?” I look up at her and start to laugh so hard, god she is so naïve, which is what makes her so innocent and beautiful.

    “Ha-ha, you actually fell for it” I tell her and she looks all mad at me, maybe I took it too far but I just can’t stop laughing.

    “You should’ve seen your face it was like ‘Oh my god are you okay?’ It was so funny”

    I show her the face she made and she smirks a bit but gets back into angry mode with me

    “Well, I’m glad you thought it was funny” She says and of course it was

    “It was, it was effin hilarious” I just continue laughing it up

    “Well my face wasn’t all ‘Oh my god are you okay?’ as you so nicely put it” Oh but it was

    “Oh but it was” I just continue laughing

    I keep making the face that she made and she eventually starts giggling along with me, and her giggle is just so cute, its so sweet.

    I can see her holding her sides as if they’re about to explode, and then I close my eyes and place my hand on the seat and my hand lands on hers. Then the giggling stops, but not because I wanted it too, because I feel like electricity just surging through my body, starting at my hand and ending there too.

    I look at her and try and see if she has felt the same thing I felt, and I can see that she has, those eyes just are so clear, I can see myself in them and I know she knows I felt it too. One thing I don’t like about my eyes, they give away everything about me, and they literally tell people how I’m feeling which sucks, especially if you’re trying to keep a secret. We both look away me out my window, her out hers.


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