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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: First Impressions [Chapter 6])

    After a couple of minutes, she intertwines our fingers, and they feel as if they were made for each other, like two puzzle pieces made for each other. And wow does it feel so right, and with her, this beautiful girl who I know I’m going to corrupt, because I’m not exactly all sweet an innocent. I just keep looking out the window and only one person comes to mind. ‘Aiden’ And how I don’t feel this way about him as I feel about Spencer, how the butterflies that I one had with him have now lost their wings and died and how Spencer has given me more butterflies in on day than he has in all the time we’ve been together. Now this is the awkwardness I hate to have so I decide to do something about it.

    I decide to break the tension and I take the script and put it between us as if to block our hands, I hope she doesn’t think I don’t want to see her hands so I give her a small squeeze to let her know I still want her hand holding mine

    “What do you want from me?” I read from the script, Spencer looks away as if searching for an answer, she probably forgot about the script that is right between us, but yeah little naïve Spencer finally go it, as she continues.

    We talk it out, we aren’t screaming like we’re supposed to, but then comes the real intense part so I decide to get into the scene and I start screaming. She screams back and I scream louder, and wonder why Tim hasn’t asked what was going on, he probably knows we’re doing an intense scene right now, so then she says the line that makes me lose my focus.

    ”Why don’t you love me?” She screams out.

    “I do.” I then see her search the script looking for the line I just said, and all I think right now it, what if she finds out that line isn’t there, so Spencer looks at the paper one more and then looks up and looks at me and before she can say anything I kiss her. I just press my lips up on hers. Then I pull back to break apart our lips knowing she was going to be freaked out.

    But no, quite the opposite happened, she kissed me, she jumps on me and is straddling me and the cups my face. My hands go on her hips just to make sure she doesn’t go anywhere. It is the most intense kiss I have ever felt, and her lips are just so perfect, and her tongue just dances around mine perfect, I’m seriously starting to think me and her are meant to be. I start to think about Aiden and how much of a mistake I made taking him back, how much I don’t love him, and that I’m in love with Spencer Carlin, and I’m now gay, and in love. I mean when you’re in love, all that matters is that, you’re in love.

    Then I feel her tense up as we feel the car stop, two doors open and close, and Spencer is just frozen there on top of me, probably not knowing what to do so I make the first move as I hear footsteps coming closer. I ….


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