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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: First Impressions [Chapter 6])

    “Hey Spence, get in” Once again the brunette snaps me out of daydreaming mode, and I get in the car. She probably thinks I’m weird or have ADD staring into space like that and such. I catch her gaze and she just smiles, a 1000 watt smile that could brighten up the darkest of days. I just tilt my head and smile, and end it with a quick blush. Apparently that’s my new routine with this girl. But I can’t argue, I could get used to this routine.

    We stay quiet for a while, just listening to the radio in the background. How to save a life by The Fray is playing.

    “God, Superman saved lives but he didn’t even make a song about it” I put my hands to my mouth and just realize I said that out loud, the stupidest comment has just come out of my mouth. Ashley bursts out laughing and just looks at me and then I start doing my nervous laugh.

    “I was saying the same thing when I went to my bo… my friend’s house” I start to laugh and let her little mistake pass. I heard her say boyfriend but, maybe she doesn’t have a boyfriend anymore, that’s why she was correcting herself. Wait, why do I even care, it’s not like I’m interested or anything. I look at her and smile and just nod my head.

    The little tinted window thingy that separates the front of the limo from the back is being lowered and making an annoying sound too, I’m glad it’s actually going down though, it would have been in a very awkward moment if the stupid window didn’t go down.

    “You guys, I mean girls, should practice so you can get some chemistry going between you too, so you can work better together.” If only he knew the chemistry I was feeling with her right now. Ashley took the script and smiles at Tim, but it wasn’t the same smile she had given me, it was a dull smile, I mean it wasn’t fake or anything just not 1000 watts, maybe, 500 watts. It makes me feel kind of special, she gave me her best smile and lest everyone else have the okay smiles. But any smile would look good on this girl.


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