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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: First Impressions [Chapter 6])

    “We’re going to be a while, there’s a whole bunch load of traffic.” And with that, I understood why he wanted us to practice, and the tainted window thingy went up, along with the most annoying sound. We look at each other and decide it would be better to practice than just waste time talking.

    At first we decide I’m going to play the character, Mandy Musgrave, and Ashley is going to play Gabrielle Christian. I didn’t know anything about either character since I did in fact not read the script. I just read directly from the script while she basically knows every line of this character. And it doesn’t help that there is this beautiful girl is right in front of me. We start off fine but of course break off into random giggles here and there, using different accents, you know, two girls just playing around like usual. Then we decide to switch roles, maybe we do better as each other’s characters.

    After much role playing and when I say much I mean like an hour or so, we decide she’s a better Mandy and I’m a better Gabby. Well actually, its just that I’m a better Gabby, because she pretty much does both the characters very well, she is very good I must say. I ask Ashley about my character since she seems to know the script, and well I don’t.

    “Well Spence” God I love how she says that. ‘Spence’ it just rolls of her tongue and the way her lips move when she says it

    “Gabby is all sweet and innocent, a good girl you could say” Well I guess I could’ve figured that out from the reading I’ve been doing, but I was too busy concentrating on Ashley.

    “And well Mandy, is sort of hardcore, a rough life, few but good friends.” She continues telling me about the plot of this story. God, I should’ve read the script, I listen intently, hanging on her every word, and it helps with those lips.

    “So, Mandy and Gabby are best friends, their complete opposites which makes them such good friends?” I ask and she just nods her head with a smile on her head.

    “And some boy gets in between them, and they have to decide between love or friendship, and the irony is they get to choose both.” She ends her plot, and I wonder how they could choose both, they must have come to like a mutual agreement to see who gets the boy. While I think about this I decide to ask how does it end.


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