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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: First Impressions [Chapter 6])

    “Ash, how does the story end?” She look at me and hesitates to answer then she opens her mouth.

    “I don’t know, I didn’t get the whole script yet, just about half of it.” I just smile and nod and realize yeah, how could they just give the whole story to a bunch of kids that haven’t even got the part yet. But how did Ashley get so much of the script, if I didn’t even get half of it.

    “Ash, sorry for all the questions, but, how did you get half of the script?” She looks at me and after a couple of seconds she answers

    “Well, Mr. Lynch over there said I was a shoe-in along with you, so he gave me pretty much the whole script to the show, I’m actually surprised he hasn’t given it to you yet” Yeah me too.

    “Well apparently I’m not as big of a shoe in as you” That came out with a little jealousy in my voice and I decide to clear it up before it turns into something big.

    “Ash, I didn’t mean it that way, I mean you’re great, you’re like the best, and you definitely deserve the part, but I thought I was like already in when he said that to me.” She just nods in agreement and looks down.

    “Well I’ll definitely help you, because I wouldn’t be able to do this without you.” I just smile and nod and she smiles back. And I end it with the now infamous blush.

    I think to myself and realize, I never actually looked at my script, maybe I did get the whole script, and the extra one he gave me was just a regular one everyone else got. He did say this whole thing is just mandatory. God, I should’ve read the script.

    “Hey, let’s do this scene, I haven’t even read it yet.” She takes a script out of her purse, probably different than the one he handed to us before. She flips to a specific page, and puts the script in between us.

    “Since you’re going to be Gabby, you’re going to be her, and I’m going to be Matt.” I assume he’s the guy Gabby and Mandy ‘fight’ over. It’s apparently me and Matt arguing, I think about Matt, and think that it sounds familiar, and realize it’s the part my brother tried out for, he actually wanted to do this show too, but he lost to umm, Kyle and this kid named Sean, they were also going for some lead parts, well Kyle got the main role of Matt and this kid Sean of someone that shows up a lot but not as much as Mandy, Gabby, and Matt.


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