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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: I do, I really do [Chapter 12])

    “Why? What did you do?” she asks and cocks her eyebrow up a bit.

    “Promise me” I say with a serious tone.

    “I promise” she says.

    “See what happened was, I was taking a shower in Madison’s trailer”

    “Why the hell were you taking a shower in Madison’s trailer” She screams out as she stands up and looks at me. I look at her and point at the seat next to me, she just nods and gets back on the bed.

    “I was mad about the whole Aiden and you thing, so I decided I should take a shower, because, well I thought you used me, so I felt dirty, and I went to go take a shower, only I didn’t know which trailer was mine.” I said and smiled at her hoping she understood.

    “Well I did take up most of your time yesterday” She says as she blushes and looks down on the ground.

    “So umm, I got out of the shower and used the towels that were already there, and when I came out Madison was there, and I explained my situation, so she lent me her towel, and some clothes to change there, so when I got here I read your note and took off the clothes I had on, which was Madison’s and I threw her towel in my bathroom. And that’s the truth” I finished off and looked at Ashley and she was sort of smiling and then she just hugged me.

    “I’m sorry for doubting you, I know you by now, I’m really sorry, I was just scared that you weren’t all mine anymore” She says as I hear her start to cry a bit.

    “Oh umm, Ash there is one more thing” Should I tell her or not, maybe I should just keep it to myself, and she’ll never find out.

    “I sort of kissed Madison” I say as I grab her tight and lay down on top her making sure she won’t leave.

    “What?!” She screamed as she tried to get up. I just applied all my force to hold her down, holding her tightly as I just snuggled into the crook of her neck. I tried kissing her a couple times, but she just turned away, I guess I deserve it, but I won’t let her go, I won’t lose her.

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