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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: I do, I really do [Chapter 12])

    “Spencer, let me go” She yells, but I refuse to, I won’t let it happen.

    “Spencer, let me go now” She screams

    “No Ashley, I love you, I don’t want you to leave.” I say as my tears once again start to come back.

    “If you loved me, you wouldn’t have kissed that whore” She said, and she was right, if I actually loved Ashley maybe I wouldn’t have kissed Madison, no I was just confused and hurt, but I refuse to make another mistake with Ashley.

    “I do love you, that is why I told you, and why I am not letting you go till you promise me that you won’t leave” I tell her

    “You are in no position to make me promise anything” She responds

    “Yes I am, I love you”

    “Stop saying that, you don’t” I hear her say.

    “Yes I do, so stop struggling, and let me just explain”

    “What the fuck could you possibly explain”

    “How would you feel if I had a boyfriend” She stopped struggling and just started to cry.

    “I told you I broke up with him”

    “Ash, I didn’t know that, I swear, if I had known, I wouldn’t have given Madison a second thought, you have no idea how much it hurt, I swear to god, if I knew you were just going to break up with him, this wouldn’t have happened, if I hadn’t felt so betrayed I wouldn’t have done anything, but god I love you so much, my heart just felt like it was stomped on, please, please forgive me, I didn’t mean it, it wont ever happen again, I just want to be with you.”

    “God Spencer, I love you so much, you kissing Madison, god that thought just kills me inside” She starts to cry harder.

    “Ash, I promise never to hurt you like that again, and you have to promise the same thing, no more secrets, and I swear to you I will never do something like that to you” I say, I would bring up the point that we were in fact not together but that would push her.

    “Spencer, I love you” She simply says and with that I let her go and just lay down next to her.

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