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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: It’s hard to be faithful when you’re angry [Chapter 10])

    I find a trailer that I remember and think its mine. Well it better be as my eyes start to tear up some more, I try my key and it works so this has to be my trailer. I go inside and lay down on the bed. I look around hoping to find my luggage. Maybe its in the closet over there, but I’m too lazy to fix my things now. I see a towel on the chair by the bathroom and decide a bath would the best decision right now. They must give like complementary towels here or something, in case some people forget theirs or something.

    I walk inside the bathroom and quickly take off my clothes and the feeling of slut still lingers on me, I feel so dirty. I take a long hot shower and just cry in the shower. I finish off and dry myself in the bathroom as I look around and see a hairbrush. I assume they left it here for me, god this trailer comes with like everything in case you forget something. It’s really great.

    I walk out of the bathroom wrapped with a towel and trying to fix my hair. I see Madison sitting on the bed and she spots me and gets up with a surprised look on her face.

    “What are you doing here?” She practically yells.

    “Shh, I’m sorry, I thought this was my trailer” I tell her with a really sorry look on my face, hoping to be as convincing as possible.

    “How did you not notice the stuff on the nightstand” I look over to the nightstand and there’s a picture of Madison with her dog it appears. And an alarm clock and some jewelry, how I did not notice this stuff, I have no idea, but I did not at all. I look at her and nod my head ‘no’

    “Did you not realize that you’re luggage is not here at all” She says.

    “I thought they put my luggage in the closet so it like wouldn’t get in the way” I say once again trying to sound as convincing as possible.

    “How about that towel, did you not notice the big name on the towel.” I look down at the towel around me and see Madison’s name on it, god she is so full of herself. I blush a bit and say all I could.

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