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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: It’s hard to be faithful when you’re angry [Chapter 10])

    “I’m sorry, I really didn’t know” I say as I look down at the ground, god this couldn’t get any worse. I’m in somebody else’s trailer just great, and I used their stuff, I took a shower in it, god, apparently, finding out Ashley having a boyfriend wasn’t the worse thing that was going to happened today.

    “God, you’re lucky you look real cute in my towel, or I might not just believe you.” She said this as she walked towards me. Is she trying to flirt with me or something, because if she is, I could use this to my advantage. She gets real close to me and I smile at her as she whispers into me ear.

    “Innocent little Spencer Carlin, breaking and entering, couldn’t be” She steps back a little but still pretty close to me. She takes some of my hair and tucks it back behind my ear as she leaves her hand cupping my cheek. She starts to lean in and the first thing that goes through my mind is Ashley, and how much I love her, but then Aiden passes through my mind and with that I lean into Madison and meet her lips in the middle.

    I start to unzip her jeans and take off her shirt while I’m at it. She takes off her own pants and is just there in bra and panties still attached to me by the lips. I break the kiss and look at her up and down, great body, nice curves, and very nicely tanned body.

    “Not as innocent as you think” I say to her as I push her and she lands on the bed. I straddle and continue kissing her. And the only thing I can do while kissing her is comparing her to Ashley, how much sweeter Ashley’s lips taste, how much better use of her tongue she has and how softer her kiss is. Madison takes off my towel and I am on top her completely naked.

    She starts roaming her hands but not touching any of the important parts. Her touch is rougher and tougher than Ashley’s. God I can’t get Ashley out of my head as I kiss this beautiful girl, I can’t have fallen for her that fast. It’s impossible. I break the kiss and look at Madison in her eyes, she doesn’t have the same twinkle in her eye like Ashley, close but no cigar.

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