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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: It’s hard to be faithful when you’re angry [Chapter 10])

    “Maybe we’re going to fast” I blurt out and she just smiles and nods.

    “Yeah I guess so” She says as I get up and wrap the towel around myself again. She gets up and takes some clothes out of her drawers and hand me some. I change and feel her gaze on me, and I can’t say I don’t like her checking me out but I prefer Ashley be doing it. God, Ashley why did you have to ruin what we had, I guess I’m going to have to move on, and I guess Madison is the second best choice to start with.

    I just need to talk to Ashley for some closure I guess. I need to get her out of my head, I need to have my full attention on Madison next time, I need to have my mind on what we’re doing, not on Ashley. I change and wrap my hair in one of Madison’s towels and say good bye to the Latina. She gives me a quick peck on the lips and I walk out of the trailer and realize I still don’t know where my trailer is.

    “Hey Blondie, you forgot some things” I hear behind me. I see Madison with my stuff fin her arms, of snap my clothes. She gives me my clothes.

    “Do you know where my trailer is?” I ask her and she laughs and points towards one that is pretty close to Ashley’s. Great, I get to sleep close to Ashley and Aiden sleeping together, just great.

    I walk to my trailer and find an envelope taped to the door. I walk in and look in the mirror. I smile and take the towel off my head, I throw it in the bathroom and open the envelope I received.


    Meet me behind my trailer at 9 pm

    Ash xoxoxo

    I sighed and read it once more before looking at the clock. 6 p.m., 3 more hours, probably with her boyfriend doing stuff. I lie on my bed hoping to rest a bit before I have to go meet Ashley. Only weird thing is when I close my eyes I picture Madison instead of Ashley.


    “How are you baby?” Aiden says. Crap, I forgot about him, everything was just so great with Spencer, I mean sure I didn’t completely forget about him but god I’m so screwed. He hugs me and I tense up a bit, god was he always this rough, I guess I never really noticed before Spencer, she is so soft and delicate. I hug Aiden back reluctantly.

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