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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: It’s hard to be faithful when you’re angry [Chapter 10])

    “Hey Aiden” I say, seeing the hate in Spencer’s eyes so I decide I should try and fix that.

    “Aiden this is my new best friend Spencer” I say as I give a slight squeeze to Spencer’s hand. I feel her loosen up a bit as she holds my hand, a little overprotective, but I can’t say I mind.

    “Hey Spencer, I’m Ashley’s boyfriend” Shit, there goes my plan. I feel Spencer let go of my hand, she sort of pushed my hand away, and I feel my hear break a little when she does this. I see her put the fakest smile I’ve ever seen, god.

    “Well it was great meeting you, but uh, I have to go, umm, do something important, for umm, myself” She lied out of her ass, I mean it didn’t even make sense. Should I call for her, should I follow her, maybe giving her space would be the best thing right now. Yeah space, I’m sure I would need space right now, right?

    I don’t know, its all happening to fast. I look at Aiden who looks confused. And Tim already walked away a couple minutes ago. I look at him and smile as he leans in for a kiss I give him my cheek and see him smile slightly.

    “So what are you doing here Aiden?” I ask

    “I came here to see my baby” He says and I let the baby thing slide, but he’s going to have to stop, I mean I am his girlfriend but I have found someone else. Someone great, someone who makes me completely happy

    “Well, want the tour?” I ask him hoping to get rid of him as soon as possible.

    “Well, I had something else in mind” God guys, they are all the same.

    “Aiden, umm, not now, not exactly a great day” I mean this is the worst day, Spencer is angry at me, and I feel empty, no way in hell I’m going to cheat on her, even though I’m not officially with her, it would still feel wrong.

    “Well I want to rest, I’ve been on that stupid plane for hours and the airport wasn’t that nice either” I smile and take him to my trailer. I look over at Spencer’s and see no one inside, maybe she is on her bed or something, I hope she is ok. Me and Aiden catch up a bit before he starts to doze off a bit, I mean we’ve been talking for an hour or so. He tells me about my sister, about my mom, and some other people I left in L.A. before he completely knocks out.

    I see him go to sleep and take out a piece of paper and decide I need to talk to Spencer. I think it over, what can I say to Spencer. I can’t say anything to her in a letter, I can’t write down my feelings for her it has to face to face. That’s exactly it, I have to meet with her. I look at the clock and see it’s 5:00 p.m., so 9:00 p.m. should be perfect, that gives me enough time to get Aiden awake and tell him the truth. That I can’t be with him, I’m in love with someone else, that I’m in love with Spencer Carlin.

    I walk over to her trailer and tape the envelope with the letter inside and knock on her door as I run back to my trailer. Hoping she reads my note, I walk inside my trailer to find Aiden under my covers still sleeping like a big baby. I tuck him in and think about sleeping and snuggling with him. But my mind goes directly to Spencer, I can’t, I love her, she’s the only one I want to snuggle up with.

    I go to the couch and decide to take a rest before I have to meet Spencer, I mean I know I’m going to have to explain a lot and well I just hope we can get through this, I know we can, love always trumps fear.

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