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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: Oh Crap [Chapter 11])

    She gets up and walks towards me and grabs my hand. I try and pull away softly hoping she gets the picture, but she just grabs my hand harder. Why does she want to make this so hard, why does she want to torture me like this, I pull away harder and harder until I get my hand out of her grip.

    Next thing I know her lips crash into mine, and although it was a forceful kiss, it was full of love and passion. But my thoughts keep going back to Aiden so I tried to push her but she just wouldn’t break the kiss, she literally had me in a lip lock, she just wouldn’t back off or stop kissing me.

    “I hate you” I screamed as I push her as hard as I possibly can. She falls backwards and hits the floor. She gets back up and walks up towards me, I expect her to hit me or something, especially after I just pushed her.

    Much to my surprise, she wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me into another kiss and I know I wanted to push her away, but I couldn’t, I wanted to so badly, but my brain wasn’t working with the rest of my body today, the only other organ my brain was working with was my heart.

    “Tell me how you feel about me” She whispered into my mouth. It made me moan a bit, and she took that as a cue to stick her hand under my sweater and start grazing her fingertips on my abs.

    “I hate you” I whispered back while I bit her lip, she used the opportunity to massage my tongue with hers and start to play with my left breast. She pushed me up against her trailer and slid a knee into my groin area, and I started to grind again her leg as I spoke again.

    “God, I hate you so much.” I said into her mouth once again. She slid her knee up higher into my center almost lifting my from the ground, which game me much more contact with her, but I wanted more.

    “Tell me how you feel, scream it” She whispered as she continued to play with my nipple causing me to moan her name out once again.


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