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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: Oh Crap [Chapter 11])

    “How much do you hate me?” She asked me as she bit my ear lobe a bit, making me go crazy.

    “So much” I moaned as I continued grinding on her, feeling myself get wetter by the second. She stops the biting on my ear and whispers into my ear again.

    “I hate you too” she says before she lets me down of her leg and walks backwards for about 2 or 3 steps. I was so close, so god damn close, and she does this, well I guess this is where the worse part comes.

    “Our first time should be in a nice warm bed, preferably in your bed, in your trailer, so we could snuggle and cuddle, so lets go” She says and I have a sort of confused look on my face, is this like break-up fuck or something like that because there is no way I’m doing this. Well I don’t think I would, but its Ashley.

    “Why are you looking at me like that?” She asks me, and she should know the answer to the question.

    “Is this like a break-up fuck or something, because I’m not into that” I tell her, hoping she just gets it over with, I mean I could at least visit Madison or something.

    “Spence! What are you talking about? When did we break up, and for that matter when did we become a couple?” I look at her real hurt, apparently, she never really cared, I mean sure we never like were official, but I considered us to be a couple.

    “Why don’t you just end this little fling, it’ll be better for the both of us” I scream out, she looks at me like I’m crazy.

    “Spence, I want to be with you, you have no idea how much I want you, why would you even think I would want to end this little fling we’re having, I mean this is much more than a fling to me, this is like something real, I hope you feel the same way” She says in one breath. I look at her, and I see that she is telling the truth, well I hope she was.

    “What about your boyfriend?” I had to ask her, but I don’t think I really wanted to know the answer, I needed to know.


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