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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: Oh Crap [Chapter 11])

    “Spence, I want to be with you, you have no idea how much I want you, why would you even think I would want to end this little fling we’re having, I mean this is much more than a fling to me, this is like something real, I hope you feel the same way” I say in one breath, hoping she believes me, god please believe me.

    “What about your boyfriend?” She asks me, I guess I should tell her what really happened

    “Oh yeah” I say with some sadness, because I’m kind of sad of the way we left things, but he deserved it, and I’m glad I get the girl in the end.

    “See, what happened was, I thought I was in love with him, but then came this beautiful, gorgeous little blonde girl that took my heart, so I had to break up with the guy that would stop me form loving the cute little blonde girl, even though the little blonde girl was very jealous, anyway, the guy cried a little bit but left and that let me fall in love with the cute little blonde girl.” I poked her as I said ‘cute little blonde girl’. She smiled and blushed as she walked up to me and softly kissed me on the lips, she grabbed my hand and started walking towards her trailer I think.

    “Wait a second” I say and let go of her hand. Almost forgot the book bag I packed earlier. I took her hand and started almost sprinting towards Spencer’s trailer.

    She unlocked the door and pulled me in, and before we even got in, my lips were on hers, and I pushed heron the bed and bit my lip. I took the bag and started walking away from her.

    “I’m going to get ready, so you make yourself comfortable, and I’ll be right back baby” I say, as I blow her a kiss and walk into the bathroom. I take out the robe and the other fun toys I brought, hoping tonight would be the night, and thank god it is. I look in the mirror making sure I look good in the robe.

    I pull out some make up, I want to look perfect for tonight. I start to put on my lip stick and of course I’m so nervous I mess up. I turn the sink on and quickly wash off the mistake. I turn off the sink and look for a towel. I see one on the rack and pick it up to dry my face. I pick it up and see some letters stitched in. I assume it says Spencer so I try and read it. I open it up and read it.

    “Spencer!!!” I scream. I walk out with the towel and look at her with so much anger.

    “What the hell is Madison’s towel doing here?”


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