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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: This time the drama really begins then ends sort of [Chapter 4])

    I hope the next words that come out of my mouth don’t hurt my love, scratch that, I hope the next couple of words that come out of my mouth don’t hurt the person that is sitting right in front of me.


    I’m driving like a crazy person, and I realize that I still have time to get there, I said an hour, I can make a few stops here and there, I have time. No rush. God why am I so nervous, ever since prom we’ve been like this, weird just so weird, and this has been coming, I just have to do what I’m going to do, no turning back.

    I pull up to the house I’m so used to seeing, I sit in my car and think of what I need to say, and what I want to say. I turn on my radio and The Fray is playing that ’How to save a life’ I think its called, god that song is so annoying but its like been stuck in my head lately, then I start thinking about superman and how he knew how to save lives but he never made a song about it, sure he had a show but never a song telling people how to save lives, maybe he would have competition over saving lives.

    God I hate when I do this, I usually distract myself when I don’t want to do something, but I need to do this, I have to, I can’t take it, not anymore, I just have to do this now, okay so let’s do this.

    I get out of my car and head towards the front door, I ring the doorbell and the dad I never had opens the door.

    “Hey Mr.” I don’t even finish the name and I’m being hugged, god I love this man, if I wasn’t with his child I would probably date him, I hear him call my soon to be ex’s name and I see my baby walk downstairs and signals me to go upstairs to the room where we have spent many night’s in.

    My love is sitting on the bed where we have had so many wild and crazy nights, god I wish I didn’t have to do this here, and I can’t.

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