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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: This time the drama really begins then ends sort of [Chapter 4])

    I sit down on the bed, and then before I say what I need to say or before my love says anything I ask if we can go to the park and talk. I’m responded with a nod and I get up and head towards the front door and I know I’m being followed by my, well I don’t even know what I can call us right now, I open the front door and walk towards the park on the corner.

    I sit down on the bench and now I’m breathing in and out and ready to say what I have to say, I wait for my soon to be ex to sit down, and I open my mouth and …


    I know that my baby asked to talk to me but I guess I should go first, but before I can even get a word out, my love asks if we can go to the park and talk. I look around my room, and assume he knows what I’m about to say and my baby just doesn’t want to be in the room where we’ve had a lot of fun times, and I mean many.

    I’m actually glad we are heading to the park, well I’m just following, my baby is leading, well I don’t know if I can say baby, I mean I am considering breaking it off, you know, before I tell my baby I am going. I look deep into those beautiful eyes and I know that my love is about to talk but no I need to say this first, I open my mouth and…


    “Sorry Aiden, but we’re over”


    “No Kevin me first, I’m sorry but I can’t do this with you anymore we’re over”


    I can see his face in shock, but he should’ve seen it coming, after prom when we did it for the first time, well we’ve been different it been completely physical since then. And he didn’t even wan to go on the trip with me, I mean come on you have to be there for your girlfriend but no he rather stay here in L.A. There hasn’t been that much love anymore, I think it was my mistake giving myself up before marriage. Which is what I had planned to do before I met Aiden, thinking it was the last level of love.

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