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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: This time the drama really begins then ends sort of [Chapter 4])

    But love has no levels, there love and nothing, marriage is just another way of letting people know that two people are in love and telling people that you’re going live together and have sex whenever the fuck you want. It’s just like telling the world you’re in love, but love is just love, unconditional, and well I thought I was in love with Aiden but apparently not, because if I was in love this would hurt, but right now I just feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders a 250 pound weight that was all muscle, yep.

    Our love was completely physical and well I’m glad I’m over with it as I walk back to my car and hope I can just go home and start over I mean I am going to Ohio tomorrow, hey might even meet a cute guy that I fall in love with.


    I can see he is a little shocked that I beat him to it, but he know it was coming, right after or first time we started acting weird with each other, we were still good but different, like today, he knows how much going to this meant to me but no he couldn’t be happy for me. Forget him I don’t ever want to talk or see him again, I get up and see he is still shocked, god he is so pathetic.

    I walk to my house and turn around to see if he has moved, but no, not even an inch. I smile at myself and see that maybe he wasn’t going to break up with me, but it doesn’t matter. I’m looking for the real thing, no fake shit. I hope I can just lie down on my bed and look forward on going to my trip to Spencer.

    Yeah irony, I know but it’s only hours away from this shitty down I’m stuck in. I get to my door and think about my decision and think if I did the right thing and once again I agree with my decision. So that’s it I’m passed it I’m over him so now to start my ‘new’ life in Spencer as Spencer Carlin the actress.


    I’m finally home, after a long ass ride home, god it felt like forever, I throw myself on my bed and just go over my sudden break up with Aiden and think if I did the right thing, he was my friend for years before we got together, and that was when I was most in love with him when we were friends. So yeah I made the right decision.

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