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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: This time the drama really begins then ends sort of [Chapter 4])

    I look at my night stand and see the blue paper that has me so anxious for tomorrow. I have to red it over and over to make sure it’s true.

    Dear Ms. Ashley Davies

    This letter is to notify you that you have a callback. You are one of the 10 finalists that have been chosen for one of the lead roles in the new upcoming show. You are to be in Spencer, Ohio so you or one of the other 9 finalists can be chosen for some of the roles on this show. There is more information on the following pages.

    To tell you the truth, I have read this front page about 500 times and the second page like 5 times just giving us general information, like how long we’re going to be there and what we’ll need and some general information about the show, but I could care less about that, all I care about is that I’m being given a shot god I’m so happy.

    I know I’m going to get this, even if I have to kill, well not kill but I’m definitely going to try my hardest, Ashley Davies the actress. I smile at my thought and drift off to sleep knowing tomorrow will be a new start new life for me and a better me.

    But then my cell phone rings I read the caller ID and it says Aiden with a little sideways heart next to it, you know the less than three sign, and I just listen to the ring tone I put for him, I think about wasting my time with him I flip open the phone and think witch button to press

    ‘Fuck off’ button

    ‘Why yes I’ll let you waste my time’ button

    And I think what Aiden means to me, and I press the button I, Ashley Davies have chosen.


    I walked up the stairs neither acknowledging my mother or my stupid ass brother. I do say hi to my dad and Clay though. I go into my room and throw my self on my bed, the break-up is the farthest thing away from my mind, well apparently not but it kind of is. I look at the blue paper that came in the mail last week and I just have to reread it.

    Dear Ms. Spencer Carlin

    This letter is to notify you that you have a callback. You are one of the 10 finalists that have been chosen for one of the lead roles in the new upcoming show. You are to be in Spencer, Ohio so you or one of the other 9 finalists can be chosen for some of the roles on this show. There is more information on the following pages.

    God, I finally got my shot, I new my audition was awesome, I can’t believe I actually got picked I finally get a shot to reach my dream. I’m so psyched god I’m so fucking happy especially since me and my dad got my mom to say yes, oh yes.

    Tomorrow is a brand new day and I’m so happy as you can tell. I reread the letter once again just making sure that I was chosen, don’t want to show up and then be asked what I’m doing there and say I’ve been chosen then I’m told no you haven’t god that would kill me. I guess I am a little pessimistic but that’s because I get scared about most of my decisions.

    Mostly because my mom chooses for me, what I’m supposed to wear, how I’m supposed to act, god she would kill me if she knew I’ve already had sex. But I have to learn how to ignore her opinion I have to start going for things I want, not for things she wants. And this is my first step acting, she hates that dream of mine, but I don’t care it’s what I want to do.

    Then my cell phone starts ringing, same ring tone I’m so used to hearing and now its on my last nerve I look at it and flip open my phone and look at my two options

    ‘You can kiss my ass’ button

    ‘Sure waste my time’ button

    And I think about how much I care about Kevin and press the button that I Spencer Carlin have chosen.

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