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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: We got to finish this scene [Chapter 7])

    “Well as long as you’re feeling better Ms. Carlin.” I just giggle and nod, as Tim removes his head from the lime I look over at Ashley who is looking directly at me and just biting her lip, I look into her eyes and get lost in those hazel eyes.

    “Hey Mr. Lynch!” Ashley screams out, and I get a little nervous wanting to know why Ashley wants to talk to Tim.

    “Me and Spencer are going to finish this scene and we’ll be right out” I smile at her as she closes the open door on the limo and locks it, and straddles me.

    All we here is a muffled ‘Ok girls, but you only have 30 minutes before you have to meet everybody else’ I take out my cell phone and see it 20 after, so 30 minutes we have to be there, I throw my cell phone on the seat beside me and Ashley and I both lean into each other’s kisses. While she cups my face, my hands just stay at her hips, but I can’t take it, I need to feel more.

    As we still kiss I move my hands up her blouse, just grazing her abs, and I just felt more electricity being surged through our bodies. I just started like tickling her, as she smiled and giggled into my mouth, I could feel her giggling and that made me happy. God, I don’t remember the last time I was this happy, especially with a girl.

    I can’t take it, I need more touchy, I need to feel more of her, as I put my both hands on her back and deepen her into the kiss. I need to feel more of her, I’ve never needed someone so badly.

    I bring my hands down by accident and they land on her ass, her ass just like sticks out, and out of instinct because I mean if you an ass in your hands of someone you really like, and you’re making out with them what would you do? I just grab it and maybe squeeze it a bit and I feel her tense up, so I bring my hands back up to her back.

    She grabs my hand and brings them back down to her ass. She goes back to my face as she tangles her hand in my hair. God it feels so good, I’m loving every minute of this, oh crap, we had to be at the stupid big building with the stage.


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