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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: We got to finish this scene [Chapter 7])

    I break the kiss and Ashley groans and looks at me disappointed, I take the cell phone beside me and look at the time, Ashley then realizes why I stopped the kiss, but that doesn’t stop her from giving me the cutest pouty face I’ve ever seen.

    I point towards the limo door motioning her to get off me and get out. She sucks her teeth and heads toward the limo door and opens it and gets out. I follow her and I point to the big building where we have to be in about 5 minutes now and she looks at it and of course she sees it. It’s the biggest building, well here.

    We head over there and I can see Ashley looking to her left and to her right, I copy her to try and see what she’s looking for, next thing I know her hand is put in my back pants pocket. I just smile and blush, god that got to be like at least 100 blushes within the last 3-5 hours. Of course I understand why she looked both ways, I doubt she’s gay just caught in the moment or something like that, god I don’t even know anymore, I mean I just made out with the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and god was it just great. I guess we never actually really talked in the car about sexual orientation or anything like that, not even if we left someone back home. Well we can talk about that later I guess.

    We get to the door and I look at my phone to see if we’re late, and of course we’re not, I mean it was like a 30 second walk and we had 5 minutes to get here. We get to the door and she takes her hand out of my pocket and I kind of frown but once again I do understand. She goes for the door handle but I take her wrist as I practically slam her against the wall and I look around like she did earlier and I kiss her so softly yet so passionately on those soft lips.

    She smiles at me and mouths a ‘your so cute’ to me I mouth back ‘I know’ right before she plants a soft kiss on my lips and with that she opens the door and we both head in seeing our ‘competition’ if you could call it that sitting talking with Tim, as we both wave to him and we walk towards him knowing I have just made a new friend named Ashley Davies, heck maybe even more than just a friend.


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