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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: We got to finish this scene [Chapter 7])

    She takes her hands and places them on my back again, and god I wish I hadn’t tensed up because I want her to touch me, I take her hands and place them back on my ass and force her to squeeze it because its what I need, although its not that much, I can live with just that, for now anyway.

    I tangle my hands in her beautiful golden locks, god their so soft, I just want to pull them make it rough, and laugh at my idea and just as fast I groan out of disappointment. She just broke the kiss what the hell, she looks at her cell phone and I realize why she broke the kiss. But maybe with my pouty face she’ll think about ditching the whole meeting our competition thing. So I try and crash and burn, well not really I could tell she thought about skipping it

    She points toward the stupid limo door and I hope that is miraculously disappeared while we were kissing but alas still there. I get off her as much as it hurts, and I get out. She points out the biggest building in the place, I just head towards it and she follows and we just walk side by side and not even talk about what just happened.

    I decide to make the first move if we’re not going to talk I look to my left and look to my right and I can see Spencer mimicking my moves probably wondering why I’m doing this and then I stick my hand in her pants pocket and just walk like that. I need to be touching her at all times apparently because I can’t live without touching her in someway. She smiles and blushes once again, and no matter how many times she does it I know I’ll never get tired of it, ever.

    I assume she knows why I was making sure no one was around, I mean I’m not gay, just in love for the moment, what am I talking about I’m in love with her and always be, god I can’t believe I can actually say that, I’m in love. Anyway, I’m sure she’s not gay either, just got caught in the moment and stuff, but that doesn’t mean I don’t like her, well love her, you know just got to keep it on the down low. I guess we got to talk about it later, I mean I never really asked her if she was gay or not so I am not really 100 percent sure.

    We reach the door to the humongous building in the middle of the ‘set’ you could say, and I take my hand out of her pocket and I look at Spencer who looks at her cell phone probably for the time and I just reach for the door handle. But then I’m being pinned against the wall and I’m being kissed so softly but I can feel so much passion.

    She breaks the kiss and I smile and decide to tell her something. I want to tell her I love her but I think that would freak her out so I decide to tell her that I thinks he so cute but I realize my voice has left me, god she really leaves me speechless, I mouth a ‘your so cute’ her way and she just responds mouthing a ‘I know’ back and I smile and kiss her softly. And with that I open the door and head in with Spencer following me of course as we see our ‘competition’ if you could call them that, just sitting there talking with Tim, as Spencer and I both wave to him and walk towards him knowing I have just made a new friend named Spencer Carlin, heck maybe even more than just a friend.


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