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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: What a bad morning following a goodnite [Chapter 9])

    “Ashley, is Spencer in there with you?” Damn talk about your Déjà Vu. I panic a bit, not knowing what to answer.

    “Yeah I’m in here Mr. Lynch.” Spencer says from behind me somewhere.

    “Spencer, why aren’t you in your own trailer?” He asks her even though he can’t see her. Crap now we’ve truly been caught, we’re screwed, god I knew she should’ve left last night. But I needed her to stay with me.

    “My shower is broken, so I came over here and asked Ashley if I could use hers and she let me” Spencer responded back from inside.

    “Oh ok” He simply said convinced. I smiled so much, god that girl is perfect, sure I hate when she lies but sometimes you have to lie to live, or sometimes you have to lie for love.

    “Is that all Mr. Lynch.” I say over eagerly wanting to get back to Spencer.

    “Actually yeah there’s one more thing, someone’s here to see you Ashley, they’re in the auditorium and waiting so get dressed and meet us in there.” He says before he walks away. I think to who would come visit me and smile, it might be my dad. I did tell him I would be here for a couple of weeks, yay.

    “Come on Spencer we have to hurry, my dad is waiting for me in the auditorium.” Spencer sits up and has her hair up in a mess and her eyes are still sleeping. I give her a kiss on the lips and she wakes up.

    “Ok I’m up” she says as she gets up and realizes she doesn’t have any clothes.

    “I’ll meet you there, I have no clothes” She says but I head over to my luggage and pull out some of my clothes.

    “Here you go” I say

    “Please just for now, I want you to meet my dad” I give her the puppy dog face. She just takes off her wife beater and boxers she must’ve took from me last night. I glance at her body as she puts on my clothes.

    “You know I can feel you watching” She say and I look back at my luggage looking for my clothes to wear as I blush.

    “I didn’t say I didn’t like it” She says and I look over at her body and just take it all in. ‘Perfect’

    “Well I definitely like it” I say and smile as she turns to look at me and smiles and tilts her head. God she is so cute.

    I change quickly as I give myself a one over in the mirror and like it, as I look over at Spencer who is lying in my bed almost asleep. I walk over to her and straddle her as I kiss her with as much love and passion I could muster. She gets up and blinks her eyes.

    “Okay, I’m awake for the day” She says as she kisses me on the lips softly and I get off her and head towards the door. We open it up as I stop there for a second thinking what I could say to him, it’s been a couple months, god this is so exciting. And now he gets to meet Spencer, yes, this is perfect, two most important people in my life, my dad and my love. Next thing I know, my ass is spanked and I look at Spencer who just looks at me.

    “Let’s go, hustle it up Davies” She says as I smile and we head towards the auditorium. We get there pretty fast as I take deep breaths and look at Spencer. She looks around for a second before placing a kiss on my lips and the nervousness goes away. I smile and we walk inside. I look over and Mr. Lynch is talking to my dad, but I can’t see my dad, Mr. Lynch is in the way.

    “Mr. Lynch” I yell out and Mr. Lynch turns around and I hear him say

    “There she is” And he moves, only it isn’t my dad.

    “Damn baby, you’re dad is young and kind of hot” Spencer whispers into my ear. I try and open my mouth but no words. He walks towards us behind Mr. Lynch.

    “Spencer that’s not my dad” It’s Aiden

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