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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: What a bad morning following a goodnite [Chapter 9])

    Crap I forgot something, hold this for me” She handed me her tray, I took it and just smiled at her. God I am so her bitch. She comes out with a small paper bag and smiles. Let’s go as she takes her tray back. We head back to the trailer and place the food on the small table. We start eating normally, but she decides to start feeding me and I start feeding her. It starts to become a ‘whoever eats their food more seductively’ contest. She of course is winning as I can feel the throbbing in my legs start to become unbearable.

    I decide I have to do something drastic so I don’t lose. Yes I am very competitive. I take some of the chocolate pudding on her tray and stick my finger in it. I pull it out and touch her nose so she has some chocolate on her nose. I lick the pudding of my finger making as low a moan I can do. Then I go over to her and lick her nose and get as close to her lips as possible without actually touching them.

    How you like me now?” I say and giggle softly at my own comment as I sit back down. She looks at me and I can see that I have won. She leans in and whispers into my ear.

    This isn’t over yet Ms. Carlin” She says. She takes out the brown paper bag she bought when I found out I became her bitch. She takes out a strawberry, and dips it into the chocolate pudding and pulls it out as she bites is softly. She gives out a small moan which makes me want to take her right here and now.

    She finishes it and takes out another one. She dips it again and brings it over to my mouth, and she gestures for me to bite it. I lick the tip of it, making sure I am wanted as much as I want her. I bite the tip of and keep sucking the chocolate off. I take the whole thing in my mouth as I take some of her finger into my mouth. I suck on it and kiss it as I stop my flirtatious eating of a strawberry for a second before taking the stem out and placing it on her tray.

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