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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: What a bad morning following a goodnite [Chapter 9])

    “Come on Spencer we have to hurry, my dad is waiting for me in the auditorium.” I sit up and can feel my bed hair all over the place. Ashley gives me a kiss on the lips and I sort of wake up.

    “Ok I’m up” I say and get up. I realize I have no clothes in this place.

    “I’ll meet you there, I have no clothes” I say, but before I know it there are pieces of clothes on the bed next to me

    “Here you go” She says

    “Please just for now, I want you to meet my dad” She gives me the puppy dog pout. I take off the wife beater and boxers that I took from her last night so I can put on the new clothes.

    “You know I can feel you watching” I say, and I immediately regret it, as I don’t feel her gaze anymore. I have to say something so she keeps looking, I love when she does.

    “I didn’t say I didn’t like it” I say and I can feel her look over once again at my body. I dress slowly, but not too slow so she doesn’t notice.

    “Well I definitely like it” She says as I turn over and smile at her and tilt my head. I see Ashley change quickly, god she’s excited. She starts to look in the mirror and god she can be such a girl for that she takes forever. As I feel my eyelids beating me as they drop and I fall back asleep.

    We had just finished eating and Ashley was looking at herself in the mirror

    Baby, you’re not fat” I try and convince her for the 100th time

    Yes I am” She responds. God I can’t win one with her

    Well then go throw up” I say sarcastically

    Okay” She responds and walks towards the bathroom. I get up and run quickly towards the bathroom door blocking it.

    I was kidding” I say, god she wouldn’t actually do it, would she?

    I was only kidding too Spencer, I got to pee” She says. I know she is telling the truth, she is easy to read, well for me anyway. I stand outside the bathroom door just in case. I hear the peeing then the washing of the hands and I walk back towards her couch.

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