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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: You can trust me [Chapter 13])

    I look into her eyes and try and tell her I need this, I want this, that I love her with all my heart, and she needs to continue.

    “Keep going” I whisper. She looks into my eyes and down to my ass, then she looks back at me with a real sad look on her face. I guess I know what that trickling feeling was now. But I don’t care, I need her to finish.

    “I said keep going” I didn’t just say it, I ordered her to. As she started thrusting again I continued my moaning from before, saying Spence more times now, than I have in the past couple of days.

    With one last thrust my body shuddered as I screamed out Spencer’s name and I felt all my energy disappear, I lied down on the bed, barely finding enough energy to breathe. Spencer lied down on top of me as she kissed the back of my neck whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

    “God that was so good Spence” I whisper, and I already know Spencer is smiling.

    “Anything for you baby” She says. I try and catch my breath, as I feel Spencer go down my body and open my legs again, as she licks my clit, I know I’m too tired, but my body needs more, I don’t know where I got the energy to moan, but I did, loudly Spencer’s name.

    I just moaned some more, as she licked everywhere, just cleaning me. She went from my ass to my center and back and forth, and god I just kept getting wetter and wetter. And once again I came and Spencer was there to taste it. She licked all over again as I felt my juices all over.

    She slid up my body kissing every inch on the way up and she turned me over and immediately attacked my breasts. First her hands, then her tongue, god where does she get all this energy. And for some strange reason, I feel refreshed again.

    I sit up and flip Spencer on her back and I kiss her. I kiss her with everything I can, making sure I let everything go in that kiss, and I start to use my tongue, as she accepts and starts to fight for dominance. I break the kiss and look into Spencer’s eyes once again.

    “God you’re so beautiful” I say as I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear.

    “I know” She replies with that stupid, cute, sexy smile on her face. I chuckle as I grab Spencer’s hands and place them on my breasts and she squeezes my breasts and starts playing with my nipples. I bite my bottom lip, trying to repress a moan which of course doesn’t stop it from coming out at all. I start to feel myself get so hot, and I feel Spencer get hot as well.

    I take her hand and lead it to my center. I start moving her hand, which makes her rub my clit and then I let her do that as I rub hers. We immediately synchronize our hand movements as we each insert a finger at the same time and thrust inside one another.

    I lean in and start kissing her and we continue our movements. We moan into each others mouths as we each add another finger and I feel her contract around my finger, as I feel myself contracting around her finger. I straddle her again as I take one of my fingers with her juices on it into my mouth and suck on the juices, I bring down the other towards her mouth as she sucks that one clean.

    I feel her lick my finger and I let out a small moan as I take out the finger in her mouth and just collapse on top of Spencer. She puts her arms around me and hugs me as she places kisses on my temple and on my cheek just repeating ‘I love you’ over and over again, and me in my head repeating it to her.


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