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    What I wouldn’t do for love – (Chapter: You can trust me [Chapter 13])

    She takes them off and I just look at her. She throws them over her shoulder and immediately goes to where I want her the most. She starts to kiss softly, casing me to moan of course. She then starts to bite softly along the lips with some licking of course. God the teasing is enough to send me over the edge, I feel myself start to tremble, I was so close, but I wanted to hold it in, so she would keep going. She inserted two fingers and immediately started to suck on my clit.

    A few seconds later I felt my body tremble as the orgasm just ripped through my body and I felt so weak. She came up my body and kissed me on the lips. She lies down on my body and it looks like she just lost as much energy as me. She just played with my breasts until I had the chance to catch my breath and get all my energy back.

    I finally had all my strength back and I looked at Ashley who was still playing with my breasts. I kissed her on the top of the head and she looked up at me.

    “Do you trust me baby” Ashley says. I nod my head up and down and smile at her.

    “Are you ready for round two” She says. I once again nod my head, assuming it’s her turn since I already went.

    She gets up and reaches out her hand. I take it and we walk towards the couch in the room. She sits down and sits me right beside her. She starts to kiss me as she caresses my cheek.

    “Stand up” She whispers to me. I follow her instructions and stand. She starts to unwrap her robe and I look down to see that she has on a strap on. She motions me to get on her lap. I straddle her moving the strap on in between the both of us.

    “You’re going to love this” She said in a husky voice. I look at it uncertain. It looks pretty big, well a lot bigger than Kevin’s. She spits in her hand and starts to rub the strap on. She lifts my ass a bit and inserts just the tip of the strap on.


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