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    White Lightning – (Chapter: Me Wanting You So Desperately)






    “Haha! How convenient that you would lose your clothes on the way!” Ashley rounded the table, trying to catch Kyla but the girl was quick and dodged her again jumping on top of a chair.






    “Oh shut up! Spencer let me borrow this stuff after she saw me naked. On a street corner no less!” Kyla cocked an eyebrow at her and jumped off the chair running for the back door. Ashley pursued her cutting her off and trying to grab her finger.





    “No! So she saw you naked and nothing happened? I find that extremely hard to believe,” Kyla said racing around Ashley. The older was turning in circles now trying to catch her sister and they both crumpled into a fit of giggles. “Fine. I’ll say I believe you for now. Did you man up and kiss her?”





    “I saved her,” Ashley answered suddenly becoming very elusive. Kyla nudged her sister in the ribs and grinned wickedly at her.





    “I figured that when you didn’t come back crying hysterically. What I asked you, was did you man up and kiss her you pansy?”






    “What kiss? Who? I wouldn’t…” Ashley began but Kyla caught her by the arm and yanked her down into a seat hard.






    “Oh you soooooo did!!! How was it? Tell me everything. Oh my god I bet it was hot right?! Like your lips were all tingly and you could hardly open your eyes and and…”






    “Jesus and an Alien, Kyla! If you’ll shut up and drag yourself out of fantasy land I’ll tell you,” Kyla fell quiet and waited for Ashley to continue. The brunette pushed her fingers through her dark curly hair and felt the breath catch in her throat as she remembered.








    “Well it was right after I saved her and she was being completely annoying and telling me that I was the reason she was late. I reminded her that I was the reason she was alive and she argued with me some more. But then I told her I had to leave and she changed her mind about thanking me. The way I felt when her lips were getting closer to mine, Kyla, it was like I was on fire. Every part of me was burning, and when her lips touched mine, all I could see were stars. It was like I took a trip to space and back, around the rings of Saturn and across the asteroid fields of Jupiter. When she put her hands in my hair and pulled me close, I hopped onto a shooting star and took off into the brightest night I’ve ever seen. I didn’t think I’d ever make it back to the ground. She tasted like sweet and tangy, like the strawberries we used to get at the market before they went extinct. All I wanted was to stay there and get lost in her but I got yanked back here,” Ashley drew to a close laughing out loud when she saw the mesmerized look on her sister’s face.


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