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    White Lightning – (Chapter: Me Wanting You So Desperately)







    “Holy Jamalama, kiss her again. Just go back and kiss her again. And take a picture. Wait wait no that’s incriminating evidence. Damn. That’s all I have to say. I’m done,” Kyla finished crossing her arms and nodding.






    “Wow I think I’m not the only gay one in the family,” Ashley said with a smirk. Kyla’s mouth dropped open and she flicked the older brunette in the center of the forehead.






    “Shh, I’m so not gay. Whoa! Wait! You so just admitted that you’re gay! I think that shirt has magical powers,” Kyla concluded pulling on the fabric of the worn gray Lesbians do it better t-shirt Spencer had lent her. Realization dawned on Ashley and she felt sick to her stomach.






    “Oh my god the shirt. I can’t wear this here!” She struggled to get out of it and got her right arm stuck. Ashley bounced around for a moment, with her arm caught and looked at Kyla desperately.





    “Well you can, you’ll just get tortured!” Ashley glared at her sister through the arm hole of the t-shirt.






    “Get it off of me! Get it off of me!” Ashley screeched hopping around in a circle blindly. Kyla rolled her eyes and walked over to meet her sister. “I’m stuck!”






    “I can see that. Would you just hold still?!” Kyla yelled yanking the shirt over her head. “There!”





    “Was that the door?” Ashley asked her head shooting up. Kyla looked up in panic and glanced back at the door which was still closed.






    “What? I didn’t hear anything.”




    “Okay hm. Oh well, anyway, let’s google her and make sure she’s still alive,” Ashley said walking over to the computer. She pulled up the holo and googled Spencer. She began to read the author’s biography listed on her official fansite.




    “Spencer Carlin… blah blah blah yada yada, married to.. what?!” Ashley shrieked enlarging the holo and staring at it.


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