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    White Lightning – (Chapter: Me Wanting You So Desperately)




    “Uh… wow.” Kyla for once in her life was speechless.





    “What in the freaking space time continuum?!” Ashley exclaimed and threw her bottle of water across the room in frustration. She looked at Kyla with a pained expression on her face. Kyla pointed back at the screen.






    “Way to go skipper.” Her sister said her brown eyes glued to the screen. Ashley looked back up at the holo and her mouth dropped open wide.






    “What what do you mean? How is that way to go Ashley… when she marries someone… WHO LOOKS JUST LIKE ME!!!” Ashley was beside herself now, and Kyla watched as her older sister self destructed before her eyes. Kyla grabbed Ashley’s face and directed her to the screen.




    “Babe. That’s not someone who looks like you. That IS you.” Ashley examined the picture closely realizing that the person who Spencer was happily wrapped around, was almost her exact double. “How you managed that is beyond me. You’re like the new Houdini.”


    “Except that I don’t remember Ky, Shouldn’t I remember that? I mean don’t get me wrong. That kiss was awesome. Even life altering. But marriage? I mean, really? Is this actually happening?” Kyla began to laugh and Ashley shot her a look to shut her up which in turn, only made her laugh harder. “When does it happen?”


    “5 days.”


    “5 days?!” Ashley yelled.


    “Well technically,” Kyla said grabbing a holo pen and writing an equation in the air where it remained lit for a moment. “In her time, according to my calculations, e=mc squared times pi minus the speed of light plus the speed of sound divided by 2 carry the 5…..3 years for her.”


    “Sorry, I spaced. What?” Ashley asked scratching her head. She missed the water she’d thrown across the room and her dry scratchy throat was yearning for some moisture. It was all too much. She’d just had her first gay kiss. Was she really ready for marriage?


    “It’d be three years in her time,” Kyla explained simply erasing the equation with a click of her pen. “5 days for us, 3 years for her.”


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