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    White Lightning – (Chapter: Me Wanting You So Desperately)


    “Are you sure it’s me?” Ashley asked biting her thumbnail. She looked down and realized what she was doing, cursing Spencer for her bad influence on her.


    “There’s no way it could be anyone else. No one could recreate something that bad. You’ve got that dopey grin on your face,” Kyla said pointing to the picture of Ashley and Spencer up on the screen.


                “My grin is not dopey!” Ashley protested throwing out her bottom lip defiantly.


                “Sorry it is. Like 7 dwarves dopey. You know the one that couldn’t talk. It kind makes me wish you couldn’t talk either sometimes,” Ashley struck Kyla on the side of the head with a piece of paper and the younger girl rubbed the spot where Ashley had swatted her.


                “At least I don’t have a tail!” Ashley spit out at Kyla who feigned innocence.


                “I don’t have a tail!”


                “You do too, I heard Dad telling you it was completely normal one day. I just never got around to teasing you about it,” Kyla made a mad dash for Ashley who took off running. The younger brunette was screaming and diving through chairs trying to get at her older sister.


                “I DON’T HAVE A TAIL!!!” She screamed making a grab at Ashley’s neck. The elder sister dodged her and balled up a piece of paper using it as a bomb.


                “Do Too.”


                “DO NOT!”


                “DO TOO!”


                “She does I’ve seen it,” said a deep male voice from the back of the room. Both girls jumped startled, and stared at Rick who stood there with his arms crossed. He shuffled forward throwing an arm around Kyla. Ashley made a face at her.



                “Oh my god Kyla. You let him see you naked!” Ashley exclaimed. “Ew. Ew.”


                “Uggh… I’m so out of here.” Kyla said leaving the room quickly. Her face had been completely red and Ashley felt bad about their exchange for a moment. Rick had made his way to the front of the room and was now examining the time machine curiously. Ashley walked over to him briskly and tapped him on the shoulder. The tall blonde man looked at her with a devilish smirk and cocked an eyebrow at her.


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